The goal of the Master of science in computer science and engineering is to offer an in-depth education in computer science, associated with the versatility of engineering sciences. This curriculum gives access to a wide range of professional activities: engineers in computer science become designers and creators of complex computing systems, software development project leaders, operation managers, researchers, and so on. They analyse and understand the complex needs of our rapidly evolving society. They create computing systems that answer these needs. They master and remain at par with the technological evolution in the field. They implement the designed solutions, ensure the quality of the products and of the development and maintenance process.
At the end of their master's programme, students will have mastered the fundamental concepts of the following subjects:
• Algorithms and data structures;
• Programming languages;
• Software engineering;
• Artificial intelligence ;
• Operating systems and computer networks.
It is important to emphasise here that two parallel master's programmes coexist, offering an almost identical content in computer science:
• The Master of science in computer science and engineering, presented here,
• The 120-credit Master in Computer Science.
This extended offer serves 2 goals.
1. The Master of science in computer science and engineering presented here is the continuation of the bachelor programme in engineering (science de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil) and trains computer science professionals with versatile engineering skills. The Master in Computer Science, on the other hand, is the continuation of the bachelor programme in computer science (sciences informatiques) and provides an opening towards social sciences and management.
2. The coexistence of these two programmes offers a suitable formation to a large audience of students. On one hand, the Master of science in computer science and engineering leads to the legal title of Civil Engineer (ingénieur civil) and is only accessible to bachelors in engineering (science de l'ingénieur, orientation ingénieur civil) and to some other engineering degrees (ingénieur industriel), in order to ensure that the general engineering programme requirements are met. The Master in Computer Science, on the other hand, is accessible to bachelors in computer science (sciences informatiques), to bachelors of the Université catholique de Louvain having followed the Minor in Computer Science, and to some external bachelors through available bridging programmes.
It is important, however, to note that both programmes offer the same level of specialisation in computer science.
Apart from some exceptions mentioned in the detailed programme, all courses of this master's programme are taught in the English language, given the importance of this language in the field of computer science. This gives French-speaking students an opportunity for intensively practice English as part of their training, while at the same time opening access to the programme at the inter-community and international level. In particular, it is possible to follow this master's programme as part of a dual-degree programme, in partnership with selected non-French-speaking universities.
The Master of science in computer science and engineering programme includes:
- core courses, mainly the master's thesis;
- focus, compulsory courses;
- one or more options to specialize in one computer science domain,
- some optional courses.
A final graduation thesis is normally conducted during the last year. On the other hand, as long as it suits his/her educational project and the prerequisites are respected, courses can be placed at will by the student in the first or second year. This is particularly true in the case of a student carrying out part of his studies abroad. Consequently, the years to which activities are assigned in the detailed programme are only indicative.
The whole programme is provided in English, except for the options in biomedical engineering, management and CPME. For non-French-speaking students, alternatives to the compulsory courses in French will be proposed by the program commission on a case-by-case basis, according to the student's curriculum. In particular, for students who did not obtain their bachelor degree at UCL, the course in religious sciences may be replaced by a supplementary activity to the master thesis, under item FSA2993.
It is always possible for a student to communicate in French within a course and the relevant evaluations. In particular, the master thesis can be written and defended in French.
-Accessible supplementary masters : not applicable.
-Accessible doctoral programmes:
The Master of science in computer science and engineering gives access to a PhD in Engineering Science, in the context of which doctoral students can partake in the doctoral courses of one or more of the thematic doctoral schools.