The European dimension is taking on an increasingly important role in economic affairs, the social situation, the formulation of law and political issues for member states and European citizens.
The Master of Arts in European Studies [120] is very much an interdisciplinary course, covering economic, legal and historical aspects. It gives students the necessary knowledge and analytical tools to understand and evaluate the process of European integration. It is therefore a good preparation for those professions relating to the European dimension at different levels of the public administration (European, national, regional and local), lobbying, consultancy, the ‘think tanks’ associated with the European institutions, or the many activities in various economic and social spheres requiring a thorough knowledge of European affairs.
Some of the teaching on the programme is given in English. Active and passive knowledge of French and English is required, and the course includes the study of another language, to reflect European multilingualism.
The programme is organized jointly by the Institute of European Studies at UCL and the Facultés universitaires Saint-Louis.
The study programme is made up of a core curriculum representing 90 credits, as well as a choice of one of two specialised topics of 30 credits. The first year courses provide the basic legal, economic, historical and political knowledge necessary to move on to one of the specialisations, and to embark upon the writing of a dissertation.
Further methodological teaching, thought-provoking discussions and language study enhance the course. The ‘introduction to information and documentation’ provides help in researching documentary sources, the interdisciplinary seminar ‘Thinking Europe’ puts forward a possible cross-cutting approach to the various disciplines, and the learning of another language, on top of French and English, gives students the chance to expand their knowledge of European languages.
The second year is spent on the writing of a dissertation, as well as being essentially focused on one of the two specialisations: ‘European policies: scope and methods’ or ‘Europe in the world.’ The ‘European policies: scope and methods’ option emphasises budgetary resources and the decision-making processes within Europe, and is focused on the main internal policies of the Union. The ‘Europe in the world’ option, however, concentrates on the role of the Union as a global player in international relations, in the era of globalisation. For each of these specialisations, a seminar on topical questions is held, to examine relevant issues.
Erasmus exchanges are organised during the first semester of the second year.
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Core courses
Finalités spécialisées
Advanced Masters : /
Doctoral programmes : the Institute of European Studies does not award doctorates in European studies. Each Faculty sets the admission criteria for the doctorates it organizes.