Legend |
| Mandatory | | Optional | | Courses not taught this academic year | | Periodic courses not taught this academic year | | Periodic courses taught this academic year | | Two year courses |
Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...) |
| Year |
| 1 | 2 |
L'étudiant doit totaliser 30 crédits répartis sur 2 ans, soit idéalement 15 crédits par an. La mineure se décline en deux versions. |
VERSION A (accessible à tout bachelier)
L'étudiant choisit librement 30 crédits dans l'ensemble des 6 rubriques reprises ci-dessous. Certaines rubriques imposent un ordre de progression dans le choix des cours (cours obligatoire et cours prérequis). |
Etudes françaises |
| Analysis and Mastery of French Grammar | Michel Francard | 7.5h + 22.5h | 4credits | 1q | x | x |
| Introduction to the Study of French and Romance Languages and Literature : Trends, Concepts, Methods | Mattia Cavagna, Jean-Louis Dufays, Philippe Hambye (coord.) | 30h + 7.5h | 4credits | 2q | x | x |
Linguistique Dans le cadre de cette rubrique, l'étudiant suit obligatoirement le cours LFLTR1530. |
| Introduction to Language Science | Philippe Hambye, Anne-Catherine Simon | 30h | 4credits | 2q | x | x |
| French Linguistics I : Analysis of Contemporary French (Prerequisite : LFLTR1530) | Anne-Catherine Simon | 30h + 15h | 5credits | 1q | x | x |
| French Linguistics II : Historical Approach (Prerequisite : LROM1221) | Philippe Hambye | 30h + 15h | 5credits | 2q | x | x |
| French Linguistics III : from words to discourse (Prerequisite : LROM1222) | Cédrick Fairon, Anne-Catherine Simon | 45h | 5credits | 1+2q | x | x |
Histoire de la littérature |
| History of French Literature from the Middle Ages to the 17th century | Agnès Guiderdoni, Tania Van Hemelryck (coord.) | 45h | 4credits | 2q | x | x |
| History of French Literature from 1700 to 1850
| Damien Zanone | 45h | 5credits | 2q | x | x |
| History of French Literature from 1850 to the contemporary period | Vincent Engel | 30h | 3credits | 2q | x | x |
| Belgian Francophone Literature
| Pierre Piret | 30h | 4credits | 2q | x | x |
Explication de textes médiévaux |
| Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Ancient French
| Mattia Cavagna | 30h | 3credits | 2q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Middle French
(Prerequisite : LROM1230) | Mattia Cavagna | 30h | 3credits | 1q | x | x |
Explication de textes modernes et contemporains Dans le cadre de cette rubrique, l'étudiant suit obligatoirement le cours LROM1160. |
| Critical Analysis of Texts: Poetry in French | Damien Zanone | 30h + 22.5h | 5credits | 1+2q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Texts : the French Language Novel
(Prerequisite : LROM1160) | Vincent Engel | 30h | 4credits | 1q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Texts: the French Language Theatre (Prerequisite : LROM1160) | Pierre Piret | 30h | 4credits | 1q | x | x |
Théorie littéraire et littérature comparée |
| Comparative Approach of European Literatures | Paul Deproost, Erica Durante (coord.), Guido Latre, Hubert Roland | 30h | 5credits | 1q | x | x |
| General and Comparative Literature : Methods and Practices | Erica Durante | 30h | 3credits | 2q | x | x |
| Theory of Literature | Jean-Louis Dufays, Jean-Louis Dufays (supplée null), Michel Lisse | 30h + 7.5h | 3credits | 1q | x | x |
VERSION B (accessible aux bacheliers en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale ainsi qu'aux bacheliers en langues et littératures modernes et anciennes)
25 credits choosen from : L'étudiant choisit 25 crédits parmi les cours repris ci-dessous et pour autant qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des matières obligatoires de la majeure (2e ou 3e année). |
| General and Comparative Literature : Methods and Practices | Erica Durante | 30h | 4credits | 2q | x | x |
| Critical Analysis of Texts: Poetry in French | Damien Zanone | 30h + 22.5h | 5credits | 1+2q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Ancient French
| Mattia Cavagna | 30h | 3credits | 2q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Texts : the French Language Novel
| Vincent Engel | 30h | 4credits | 1q | x | x |
| History of French Literature from 1850 to the contemporary period | Vincent Engel | 30h | 3credits | 2q | x | x |
| Romance Linguistics : Etymology, History, Politics
| Philippe Hambye | 30h | 3credits | 1q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Middle French
| Mattia Cavagna | 30h | 4credits | 1q | x | x |
| French Linguistics III : from words to discourse | Cédrick Fairon, Anne-Catherine Simon | 45h | 5credits | 1+2q | x | x |
| Critical analysis of Texts: the French Language Theatre | Pierre Piret | 30h | 4credits | 1q | x | x |
| Belgian Francophone Literature
| Pierre Piret | 30h | 4credits | 2q | x | x |
One course chosen from : |
| Literature and artistic movements in Europe | Jean-Claude Polet | 30h | 5credits | 2q | x | x |
| General Semiotics | Philippe Verhaegen | 30h | 5credits | 2q | x | x |
| Literature and Society | Marc Lits | 30h | 5credits | 2q | x | x |
| Psychology, literature and creation
| Philippe Lekeuche | 30h | 5credits | 1q | x | x |