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Preparotory Year for Master in French and Romance Languages and Literatures: General [60.0]

AnnéesProgramme non académique

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The preparatory year provides students with the basic tools in linguistics and in French and Romance literatures to help them successfully follow the Master [60] of arts in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [60.0] or the Master [120] of arts in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [120.0] .

The preparatory year programme includes specialised courses aimed at :
- mastering written and oral skills in the French language ;
- mastering receptive skills and practice of a Romance language ;
- aquiring skills in literary and linguistic analysis ;
- aquiring knowledge of the history of French literature and a Romance literature ;
- aquiring knowledge of theory and of literary criticism ;
- aquiring knowledge of Latin language and literature.

The programme also includes a basic training made up of general courses.

By the end of the preparatory year, students should have acquired good knowledge of Spanish or Italian and also of the history of the literature.
To maximize their chances of success, students who enrol for the preparatory year must have reached a basic level in the language (level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), for example by having taken an intensive course prior to enrolment.
We should make it very clear that, for beginners, it will be difficult to reach a good level in both speaking and writing in either Spanish or Italian and gain a good understanding of the literary history on the basis of only attending the courses in this programme.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Depending on the nature of the course and the teaching methods, the evaluation will take different forms. Some courses will involve oral and/or written evaluations (held during one of the three exam sessions: January – June – August/September)), whilst the evaluation of seminars will involve more substantial student participation as well as assessment of individual course work. Evaluation methods will be explained at the beginning of each course.

Those exams relating to courses on communication skills will evaluate the student's level, i.e. the practical use of the language in relevant situations.

Teaching methods are evaluated in accordance with the current University regulations (see General regulations concerning examinations). Students may also find additional information regarding the evaluation of courses in the course description.


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

This year of study targets :

To determine the appropriate level for Romance language classes in the programme (beginners or Level B1), students are required to take an assessment test organised by the relevant departments at the beginning of September.
For further information, please contact : Geneviève Fabry (Spanish) or Costantino Maeder (Italian).

Retour en début de pageAdmission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

For Belgian students satisfying the decree’s bridging programme conditions : applications must be adressed to the administrative manager – Collège Erasme, Place Blaise Pascal, 1 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve – Michèle Dewez. The application must include a CV and a detailed list of results obtained during all the previous years of study at third-level institutions.

Foreign students : applications are examined by a Master’s committee. Details concerning applications by international students may be found on http://www.uclouvain.be/14041.html.

For VAE students (accreditation of prior learning) : applications must be submitted to the Studies Adviser (Collège Erasme, Place Blaise Pascal, 1 1348 Louvain-La Neuve – Fiorella Flamini).

Detailed programme
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

The programme will be made up according to the student's previous studies (maximum 60 credits).

MandatoryCompulsory courses (33credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1110

Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation   Paul Servais, Françoise Van Haeperen, Laurence Van Ypersele, Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 60h  5credits  1q  x
Mandatory LFLTR1130

Comparative Approach of European Literatures  Paul Deproost, Erica Durante (coord.), Guido Latre, Jean-Claude Polet (supplée Paul Deproost), Hubert Roland 30h  5credits  1q  x
Mandatory LFLTR1430

Historical Criticism   Laurence Van Ypersele 30h + 10h  4credits  2q  x
Mandatory LROM1112

Introduction to the Study of French and Romance Languages and Literature : Trends, Concepts, Methods   Mattia Cavagna, Jean-Louis Dufays, Philippe Hambye (coord.) 30h + 7.5h  4credits  2q  x
Mandatory LROM1221

French Linguistics I : Analysis of Contemporary French   (in French) Anne-Catherine Simon 30h + 15h  5credits  1q  x
Mandatory LROM1222

French Linguistics II : Historical Approach   Philippe Hambye 30h + 15h  5credits  2q  x

MandatoryLatin course (5credits)
Students who have not taken four hours of Latin per week during the last four years of secondary education should take LFLTR1760 Introduction to Latin.
Optional LFLTR1760

Begining Latin   Alain Meurant 30h + 30h  5credits  1q  x
Optional LFLTR1780

Latin language and literature : poetry
(15 hours of exercises , choice between classical and medieval latin.) 
Paul Deproost (coord.), Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LFLTR1781

Latin language and literature : prose
(15 hours of exercises , choice between classical and medieval latin.)  (in French)
Paul Deproost, Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h  5credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x

MandatoryRomance languages courses (13 or 15 credits)
Students must choose Spanish or Italian. The secretary of the examination board will decide if the level is "Beginners" or "B1" based on the results of the admission language test.


OptionalBeginners (15credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1740

Basic Modern Spanish I   (in French) Barbara De Cock 22.5h + 22.5h  5credits  1q  x
Mandatory LROM1741

Basic Modern Spanish II   (in French) François Degrande 30h + 15h  5credits  2q  x
Mandatory LROM1743

Introduction to Linguistic Analysis of Spanish Texts   (in French) Barbara De Cock 30h + 15h  5credits  1q  x

OptionalLevel B1 (13credits)
Mandatory LROM1531

The Great Spanish Literary Myths from the Middle Ages to the Spanish Golden Age   (in French) François Degrande (supplée Geneviève Fabry), Geneviève Fabry 30h + 15h  4credits  1q  x
Mandatory LROM1537

Twentieth Century Latin-American short story : a historical and thematic survey   (in French) Geneviève Fabry 30h + 15h  4credits  2q  x
Mandatory LROM1743

Introduction to Linguistic Analysis of Spanish Texts   (in French) Barbara De Cock 30h + 15h  5credits  1q  x


OptionalBeginners (15credits)
Mandatory LFLTR1750

Basic Modern Italian I   (in French) Costantino Maeder 15h + 30h  5credits  1q  x
Mandatory LROM1751

Basic Modern Italian II   (in French) Christophe Georis 15h + 30h  5credits  2q  x
Mandatory LITA1000

Aspects and Languages of Italian society   (in French) N. 30h + 30h  5credits  1+2q  x

OptionalLevel B1 (13credits)
Mandatory LROM1541

The Golden Age of Italian Literature : from Dante to Tasso and Metastasio   (in French) Costantino Maeder 30h + 15h  4credits  1+2q  x
Mandatory LROM1753

Linguistic and Literary Analysis of Italian Modern Texts   (in French) Christophe Georis, Costantino Maeder 30h + 15h  5credits  1+2q  x
Mandatory LITAL1800

Italian   (in French) Sebastiano Ferrari (supplée null), Laura Scarpa 60h  4credits  1+2q  x

MandatoryAdditional courses
Students take between 3 and a maximum of 13 credits depending on what the board has decided (this is dependent on previous studies; students must ensure that their programme for the year does not exceed 60 credits) :
Optional LROM1111

French Grammar Analysis and Practice   Michel Francard 7.5h + 22.5h  4credits  1+2q  x
Optional LROM1230

Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Ancient French   Mattia Cavagna 30h  3credits  2q  x
Optional LROM1260

Critical analysis of Modern and Contemporary Texts : the French Language Novel   (in French) Vincent Engel, Michel Lisse (supplée Vincent Engel) 30h  4credits  1q  x
Optional LROM1330

Critical analysis of Medieval Texts : Middle French   Mattia Cavagna 30h  3credits  1q  x
Optional LROM1331

French Linguistics III : from words to discourse   (in French) Cédrick Fairon, Anne-Catherine Simon 45h  5credits  1+2q  x
Optional LROM1360

Critical analysis of Modern and Contermporary Texts: the French Language Theatre   Pierre Piret 30h  4credits  1q  x
Optional LROM1523

Belgian Francophone Literature   Pierre Piret 30h  4credits  2q  x
Optional LFLTR1550

Theory of Literature  (in French) Jean-Louis Dufays (coord.), Michel Lisse 30h + 7.5h  3credits  1q  x

Available masters
A certificate, not a diploma, is given at the end of the preparatory year, which if successful, permits study of a Master [60] of arts in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [60.0] and of a Master [120] of arts in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : General [120.0] .

Useful contacts

Curriculum management 

Useful contacts