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Advanced Master in Risks Management and Well-Being in the Workplace [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étudeProgramme interuniversitaire

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The Advanced Joint Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in the Workplace is designed to respond to the training needs of different categories of professionals in the field of safety in the work environment who must comply with the law on well-being of workers at work (1996) and the associated orders. The decree of 2003 defines the training requirements for three kinds of advisers in the specialized safety areas of ergonomics, industrial hygiene and psycho-social aspects of work including violence and moral or sexual harassment at work. The law stipulates that training in these three areas should be organized in the same way, including basic multidisciplinary training of 120 hours and specialized modules of 280 hours. Another decree about to be published uses this model (120+280) for the training of advisers in safety at work. To date, there is no programme in the French-speaking Community which satisfies these requirements, yet there is growing demand from business.

The aim is to provide the necessary training in an inter-university framework. In view of the fact that people currently undertaking such work must be regularized (by the end of 2009 at the latest) and of the pressing need for health and safety departments to be able to inform their staff about future training programmes, we are proposing to start off with the specialized areas of ergonomics and the psycho-social aspects. Additional specializations in industrial hygiene and safety at work may be added at a later stage.

To cover all the areas required by law, the Advanced Joint Master deals with the recognition of risk, the evaluation and improvement of work situations and the psycho-social aspects of understanding attitudes and behaviours.
The programme therefore involves the understanding, collaboration and combination of the different disciplines involved in the field of well-being at work.


Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme comprises 60 credits (400 hours) of training, divided as follows :
- core subjects of 15 credits for basic multidisciplinary training (120 hours), covering general training, general legal aspects including the role of different advisers in safety, ergonomics, health and well-being at work ;
- specialized modules of 30 credits each and the final dissertation of 15 credits which relates to the selected module :
- ergonomics : specialized training (280 hours) provides the knowledge and skills necessary to practice the profession (presentation of practical cases, active seminars), or
- the psycho-social aspects of work including violence and moral or sexual harassment: specialized training (280 hours) provides the knowledge and skills necessary to practice the profession (presentation of practical cases, active seminars).

Core courses : basic multidisciplinary training

Specialized modules

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

The Advanced Joint Master is an inter-university training programme of 60 credits, open to students who hold a second cycle university degree.

The universities taking part in the programme are the University of Liège (Wallonia-Europe Academy), the Université libre of Brussels and the University of Mons-Hainaut (Wallonia-Brussels Academy) and UCL (Louvain Academy).

The Advanced Joint Master in Risk Management and Well-Being in theWorkplace is designed for those holding positions of responsibility in the field of prevention and protection policies both within businesses and outside, as well as those interested in a career in human resources, consulting firms, or organizations which help people. The main professions are :
- psychologists
- company doctors
- civil and industrial engineers
- managers
- sociologists
- lawyers
- human resource advisers
- computer specialists and developers



See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :




Retour en début de pageUseful contacts


Mme Doriane Vanderschueren

SSH/PSP - Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l'éducation

Adresse courrier
  PSP - Place Cardinal Mercier 10 bte L3.05.01 à 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
  Téléphone : 010 47 40 22
  Bâtiment : Michotte/Socrate/Mercier; Etage 00; Local C 012; Site Louvain-la-Neuve

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

Final assignment
The production of a final assignment (15 credits) is a central part of the programme, through which students’ mastery of the concepts and their ability to apply them to real problems for their professional experience will be assessed. The assignment is defended orally and in public.
The aim is to lead students to rigorously apply a safety strategy to a problem which, as far as possible, is linked to their current or future professional responsilbities. In this way, students must demonstrate their ability to apply the principles of risk management in an area relating to the specialized module in the context of a real work situation. They will also need to use proper methodology to establish the relationship between the risk factors they have observed and the relevant indicators of system performance and of the health and well-being of workers both from a personal perspective and a group perspective.
The main stages of the work stem from this objective:
• accurate description of the different aspects of the problem, making a careful distinction beween facts, opinions of the workers and subjective personal impressions
• documentary research and critical review of the literature on the problem in question
• formulating one or more hypotheses for checking
• choice of a methodology for investigation which is likely to provide an answer to the relevant questions
• pilot study to test the investigation protocol and, depending on the result, programme planning for the study
• analysis of results and discussion in relation to data found in the literature
• drawing up recommendations to make to the company and evaluation of the action taken.

The examining panel bases its assessment on the following criteria :
• relevance to professional practice;
• cross-disciplinary use of subjects explored in training;
• scientific rigour, i.e. correct definition of the problem, formulation of theoretical reference framework, clarification and justification of the methodology for investigation, critical of the results.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

• It is up to the teaching staff to stipulate the assessment criteria for their course. The final assessment is in the form of a mark between 0 and 20.
• Organization of the examinations is according to the terms of the General Examination Regulations of each Academy.


Core courses
• Courses are held two days a week, from 09.00 to 18.00, throughout the year (from 15 September to 30 June) at the different campuses of the participating universities
• Active participation in class is required
• There is a single theme for each half day : courses on the same day are always held at the same campus.
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryCore courses : basic multidisciplinary training (15credits)
Mandatory LGRBE2001

Cadre et missions de la fonction de préventeur (y compris introduction du master)  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2002

Gestion des risques (y compris la gestion des accidents du travail, maladies professionnelles)  (in French) N. 50h  5credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2003

Analyse du travail  (in French) N. 20h  2credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2004

Introduction aux disciplines (ergonomie, aspects psychosociaux, hygiène, etc)  (in French) Dominique Lison 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2005

Approche psychosociologique des organisations  (in French) Florence Stinglhamber 20h  2credits    x

MandatorySpecialized modules
Choisir un des deux modules

OptionalErgonomics (45credits)
Mandatory LGRBE2201

Normalisation, législation spécifique à l'ergonomie  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2202

Ergonomie et Technologie de l'information  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2203

Evaluation des charges du travail (physique, mentale, psychique)  (in French) Bénédicte Schepens 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2204

Conception et Evaluation en ergonomie  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2205

Gestion de projet en ergonomie  (in French) N. 40h  4credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2206

Questions de recherche en ergonomie  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2207

Travail de fin d'études : ergonomie  (in French) N.   15credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2101

Organisation du travail et changements: cours transversal  (in French) Florence Stinglhamber 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2104P

Travail, Santé et bien-être : partim du cours transversal  (in French) N. 40h  4credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2103

Méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives : cours transversal  (in French) Guy Lories 40h  4credits    x

OptionalPsycho-social aspects of work including violence and moral or sexual harassment (45credits)
Mandatory LGRBE2301

Cadre législatif en matière de risques psychosociaux  (in French) Jean-Philippe Cordier 20h  2credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2302

Conflits et médiation  (in French) Stéphanie Demoulin, Coralie Smets (supplée Stéphanie Demoulin) 20h  2credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2303

Définition et évaluation des risques psychosociaux individuels et collectifs  (in French) Joël Billieux 40h  4credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2304

Techniques en intervention psychosociale  (in French) N. 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2305

Gestion de projet en matière de risques psychosociaux  (in French) N. 40h  4credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2306

Questions de recherche relatives aux risques psychosociaux  (in French) Joël Billieux 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2307

Travail de fin d'études : aspects psychosociaux  (in French) N.   15credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2101

Organisation du travail et changements: cours transversal  (in French) Florence Stinglhamber 30h  3credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2104

Travail, santé et bien-être : cours transversal  (in French) Ginette Herman 50h  5credits    x
Mandatory LGRBE2103

Méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives : cours transversal  (in French) Guy Lories 40h  4credits    x