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Advanced Master in Food Science and Technology [60.0]

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étudeProgramme interuniversitaire

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The Advanced inter-university Master in Food Science and Technology is a one year course with a focus. The main objective of the training is to enable students to acquire a level of knowledge, as well as in-depth ability and expertise in research in the field of the science and technology of food designed for human consumption.
This advanced training should enable graduates of this course to take on significant professional responsibilities both in basic research as well as in different sectors of applied research in the agri-food area.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The training comprises 60 credits worth of activities spread over an academic year and held inthe two partner institutions.

The main components are :


Tronc commun : activités communes

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

This programme may only be taken after gaining a first Master’s degree for 2nd cycle studies worth at least 300 credits. It may lead to doctoral training.


See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

Special procedures :



Mature students

The existence of this programme on a university syllabus means that it is open to mature students. Most of the candidates on this course have prior professional experience of several years.


Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

To enable students from developing countries to benefit to the full from the training, the current programme includes the following basic courses intended for 2nd cycle students : Chemistry of Foodstuffs (BRAL 2103), Microbiology of Food (BRAL 2104) and Physiological and Nutritional Biochemistry (BRAL 2102).

To tackle the issue of development and the socio-cultural implications of technology transfer, the programme also incorporates teaching from experts from the Southern hemisphere, either guest lecturers or doctoral and post-doctoral researchers. 

The variety of topics tackled in the laboratories where students can work for their final dissertation offers a wide range of possibilities.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

Oral and written examinations, reports, papers, presentation and public defence of final dissertation.   

This programme is organized in partnership with the University Faculty of Agriculture at Gembloux.
It offers thorough training in research adapted to take account of the agri-food sector in countries with some or no degree of industrialization and their need for scientific and technical development. 

Currently, the teaching is mainly done by lecturers from UCL and F.U.S.A.Gx who, for the most part, have teaching experience in developing countries. Some of them are involved in research projects with partners in the Southern hemisphere. Doctoral students and confirmed researchers from these countries also supervise students. In addition, every year experts from the South present their knowledge of other subjects and working methods which are totally  adapted to the scientific, economic and human perspectives of the South.
The Standing Committee for University Co-operation towards Development recommends this course in its programme of courses and international placements. It is constantly being improved in the light of experience gained over many years, and also from suggestions from students and recommendations from experts who are regularly asked by Committee to assess the quality of the course.
The degree awarded at the end of the course is widely recognized in developing countries.

Detailed programme
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)
Mandatory LALIT3990

Travail de fin d'études  (in French) N.   24credits    x

MandatoryCours dispensés à l'UCL
Mandatory LBRAL2102

Physiological and nutritional biochemistry  Yvan Larondelle, Yves-Jacques Schneider 52.5h + 0h  5credits  1q  x
Mandatory LBRAL2103F

Chimie des denrées alimentaires : Constituants alimentaires mineurs  (in French) N. 18h  3credits  1q  x
Mandatory LBRAL2104

Food microbiology  Jacques Mahillon 30h + 22.5h  5credits  2q  x
Mandatory LBRAL2202A

Contrôle technologique et statistique de qualité: partim contrôle technologique  (in French) Marc Meurens 18h  2credits  1q  x

MandatoryCours dispensés à Gembloux
Mandatory LTA3305

Food formulation and principles of sensorial analysis  (in French) N. 24h  3credits  1q  x
Mandatory LAM3305

Molecular biology methods for the analysis of foodstuffs  (in French) N. 30h  3credits  2q  x
Mandatory LBE3301

Control of the processes in the food industry  (in French) N. 36h  4credits  1q  x
Mandatory LTA3303

Sécurité alimentaire et gestion de la qualité  (in French) N. 36h  4credits  1q  x
Mandatory LSI3314

Statistical control of the processes  (in French) N. 36h  4credits  1+2q  x
Mandatory LTA3307

Additives and technological adjuncts  (in French) N. 18h  3credits    x