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Master [60] of arts in Theology

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The Master 60 in Theology aims to provide the student with more in-depth training to that received during the bachelor’s course. It is aimed at students who have received basic training in theology (generally on the bachelor’s course). In the various fields of theology, the student is invited to tackle a specific topic linked to significant current issues in a more in-depth fashion.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The Master 60 in Theology is composed of core courses amounting to 60 credits, including a dissertation (16 credits). The training programme promotes interaction between (teams of) teachers and students through lectures, personal work and group work and seminars. The Master 60 in Theology programme guarantees additional training in the various fields of theology (exegesis, historical, dogmatic, ethical, pastoral).

Detailed course structure

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Accessible masters: possibility to complete the training as part of the Master 120 in Theology.


University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Theology   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Bachelor in de Godgeleerdheid en in de godsdienstenwetenschappen   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Depending on the previous curriculum : to validate.

Prerequisites : THEO 1300A Heuristique ans THEO 1150 Initiation au grec biblique

Foreign Bachelors
Bachelor in theology   On the file: direct access or access with additional training Depending on the previous curriculum : to validate.

Prerequisites : THEO 1300A Heuristique ans THEO 1150 Initiation au grec biblique


Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
No link in the case of this Master

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
-   -  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university

Adults taking up their university training
> See the website www.uclouvain.be/vae
All the Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) can be accessible according to the procedure of validation  of the experience.

Personalized access
Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

Admission and Enrolment Procedures for general registration

See the general admission requirements


Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Responsable académique et Président du jury

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Secrétaire du jury

Teaching method

Retour en début de pageStrong points of the pedagogical approach

The programme is designed in such a way as to promote an interdisciplinary approach to theology. For one, the syllabi for the course activities allow for interaction between teaching and research, which should help students acquaint themselves with research in the various fields of theology. For another, in the same fields, the interdisciplinarity is structural: for example, biblical exegesis links philology, history and literary theory; dogmatic theology and ethics draw on philosophy, the history of thought and various human sciences; pastoral theology is based on sociology, anthropology and psychology.
Learning set-ups and teaching strategies: the specifications for course activities foresee variety in terms of teaching styles, depending on which method is the most apt when it comes to the theological discipline in question and its own methodology. The fact that, as far as most activities are concerned, specific issues are envisaged allows for a case-by-case study which brings together a rich diversity of knowledge and skills.

Retour en début de pageEvaluation

The evaluation can be carried out chiefly in the form of a traditional oral or written exam and written work with a formative evaluation.
For each activity, the modes of assessment are laid out in the specifications. For seminars, a formative evaluation is foreseen.


Detailed course structure
Mandatory Optional
Courses not taught this academic year Periodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic year Two year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryDissertation of the Master in Theology 60 (16credits)
Mandatory LTHEO2990S

Mémoire de master et séminaire d'accompagnement (S)  N.   16credits    x

MandatoryMandatory activities (40credits)

MandatoryHeuristic (4credits)
Mandatory LTHEO2110

From heuristic to scientific communication in theology  Jean-Pierre Delville 40h  4credits  2q  x

MandatoryBiblical exegesis - Old Testament (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2211

Old Testament Exegesis I (narrative literature)  André Wénin 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2212

Old Testament Exegesis II (poetic literature)  Didier Luciani 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryBiblical exegesis - New Testament (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2111

New Testament Exegesis I (Gospels and Acts)  Geert Van Oyen 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2112

New Testament Exegesis II (Letters and Revelation)  Camille Focant 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryPatristics or history of christian Antiquity (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2321

Questions of Patristics I  Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2322

Questions of Patristics II  Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2341

Questions of history of christianity: Antiquity  Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x

MandatoryHistory of christianity (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2351

Questions of history of christianity: contemporary Era  Jean-Pierre Delville 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2342

Questions of history of christianity: Middel Ages  Jacques Pijcke 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2352

Questions of history of christianity: contemporary Era  Jean-Pierre Delville 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryDogmatic or fundamental Theology (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2131

Dogmatic theology I  Benoît Bourgine 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2132

Dogmatic theology II  Benoît Bourgine 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2141

Fundamental theology (hermeneutics) I  Olivier Riaudel 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2142

Fundamental theology (hermeneutics) II  Olivier Riaudel 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryEcclesiology or Theology of the Sacraments (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2121

Ecclesiology I  Joseph Famerée 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2122

Ecclesiology II  Joseph Famerée 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2151

Theology of the Sacraments I  N. 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2152

Theology of the Sacraments II  Olivier Riaudel 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryAdvanced courses in theological Ethics (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2161

Theological Ethics. Advanced Course I  Eric Gaziaux 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2162

Theological Ethics. Advanced Course II  Eric Gaziaux 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatorySpecialized courses in ethics (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2311

Ethics of life  N. 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2312

Familial Ethics  Henri Wattiaux 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2261

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions I  Walter Lesch 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2262

Christian Social Ethics : politics and economics questions II  Walter Lesch 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryPractical Theology (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2281

Pastoral Theology I  Henri Derroitte (coord.), Arnaud Join-Lambert 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2282

Pastoral Theology II  Henri Derroitte, Arnaud Join-Lambert (coord.) 30h  4credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x

MandatoryResearch Seminars (4credits)
Optional LTHEO2911

Research seminar : Old Testament exegesis  André Wénin 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2912

Research seminar : New Testament exegesis  Geert Van Oyen 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2931

Research seminar in fundamental theology  Olivier Riaudel 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2932

Research seminar in dogmatic theology  Benoît Bourgine 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2951

Research seminar in fundamental ethics  Eric Gaziaux 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2952

Research seminar in applied ethics  Walter Lesch 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2971

Research Seminar in history of christianity (Antiquity or patristics)  Jean-Marie Auwers 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2972

Research Seminar in history of christianity (Contemporary Era)  Jean-Pierre Delville 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2991

Seminar in Pastoral Theology  Henri Derroitte, Arnaud Join-Lambert (coord.) 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year  x
Optional LTHEO2992

Research seminar in ecclesiology  Joseph Famerée 30h  4credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year  x