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Master [120] of arts in Information and Communication Science and Technology - STIC2M

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

Starting from basic training in IT, communication and management, the programme chiefly aims to guarantee, from an interdisciplinary point of view, rigorous university training in one of the following fields:
- archiving;
- librarianship and document management;
- book retail or publishing;
- natural language processing.

The programme helps students acquire overall knowledge of one of the fields linked to the focuses, which will help them work in very varied jobs within these sectors, in particular through first-hand experience in the world of work (internships).

Thus, at the end of the two years, depending on his professional focus, the graduate will be able to direct or coordinate centres in charge of collecting, managing and accrediting elements relating to cultural heritage, both in written format and through using new forms of technology; he will also be able to manage the conception and distribution of books and other types of media.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of:
♦ core courses (75 credits), made up of:
- 28 dissertation credits and 2 credits for the accompanying seminar;
- 45 credits in basic training;
♦ one focus (30 credits);
♦ and one option (15 credits).

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Other accessible masters :
At the end of the master 120, each focus in the Master in Information and Communication Science and Technology can be obtained in a new year of 30 credits only.
| 3/08/2011 |