Master [120] of arts in Ethics - ETHI2M
The objective of the master in ethics is to train students in how to analyse the ethical issues prompted by decision processes and practices, both at individual level and social and political level.
At the end of his training, the student should be able to analyse the following four fields which correspond to the four professional focuses: ethics in science and techniques; ethics in public policy; ethics, norms and societies; bioethics and biomedical ethics. In this regard, the student must develop the following skills: • a grasp of the theories, concepts and methods behind philosophical ethics; • a grasp of the theories, concepts and methods behind ethical reflection specifically related to one of the four fields mentioned above; • an ability to use, on a scientifically-documented basis, these theories, concepts and methods in analysing the normative issues inherent to decision processes and practices in the field in question; • an ability to debate these issues and analyse them with specialists from other scientific disciplines and key players in the field in question; • an ability to conduct original, individual research (drafting and oral defence of a dissertation). General presentation of the programme
The programme is made up of:
♦ core courses (60 credits), made up of: - A dissertation and an accompanying seminar; - 30 credits in basic training; ♦ one focus (30 credits); ♦ and optional courses (30 credits).
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits Professional Focuses
Other accessible masters :
Accessible doctoral training :
The masters programme involves in particular programmes for both university certificates (‘certificat universitaire en éthique biomédicale’ and ‘certificat universitaire en éthique économique et sociale’). On file, some of the activities taken as part of the certificates can be credited in the masters programme.