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1. Admission requirements to the Master GEST2M1 (60 credits) (previously IAG2M1)

The one-year master in Management Science is especially designed for Students with a Master Degree in any discipline whishing to acquire good knowledge of key domains in Management.

a. Required degree  

As explained in the admission table here below, admission is either direct or made on the basis of the application file

  • Students holding a non-Belgian university degree in any discipline (usually a master): Admission based on the application file. Admission is based on a minimum 4 year (240 ECTS credits) university degree in any discipline: Law, Science, Applied sciences, Social sciences … It must correspond to a master fully completed, including a master thesis, delivered by a recognised institution;
  • Students holding a Belgian master university degree (usually a non-management degree): Admission based on the application file. Admission is based on a minimum 4 year (240 ECTS credits) university degree in any discipline: Law, Science, Applied sciences, Social sciences … It must correspond to a master fully completed, including a master thesis, delivered by a recognised institution;
  • Students holding a Belgian bachelor university degree in management: Direct access. Bachelors from the French Community of Belgium (Communauté française de Belgique) in Economics and management sciences, in Management Science or in Management Engineering, have direct access to the Master GEST2M1. Their equivalent degrees from the Flemish Community of Belgium (Communauté flamande de Belgique) have also direct access;
  • Other students: please see the admission table below. In some cases, a transitory program may be required.

b. Academic results

For students holding a non-Belgian university degree, in line with our academic standards at LSM, we require above average results in the previous university degree. If it is not the case, it should be better to join the results of one of the following tests to support the application. TAGE MAGE or GMAT . Please note that the validity of the score is two years from the test date. For more information about TAGE-MAGE or GMAT, please refer to the respective web sites.

c. French language level

  • Students are required to have a good command of the French language. Applicants must have a fairly high level of the French language to be able to follow this program. Are considered as having met the standard :
    Belgian applicants;
  • Applicants who have attended with success a university program taught in French and delivered by a French-speaking university, for at least two years;
  • Any other applicants must justify a score of minimum B2 in one of the following tests: DELF  or TCF.  For more information on B2 level, please look at: CECR.  Please not that the validity of the score is two years from the test date.

d. Possible additional pre-requirements

The admission commission may add, up to 10 credits, of additional course to the students’ program if they do not have any basics in Economic, or in Mathematics and Statistic. Namely :

  • ESPO2100 Economie politique (5 credits);
  • ESPO2101 Mathématiques et Statistique appliquées aux sciences de gestion (5 credits).

As a consequence, the master 60 may count up to a maximum of 70 credits.

e. Possible recognition of courses already passed at UCL

If a student has already passed (≥ 12/20), at the UCL, a course from the mandatory list, this course could be recognized. A maximum of 5 credits can be recognized. In case the student has passed courses from the mandatory list for more than 5 credits, he/she has to replace the course(s) by taking an equivalent number of credits among the elective courses. No recognition is granted for elective courses. Recognition may be given if the applicant explicitly requests it in his/her motivation letter.

As a consequence, the master 60 will always count a minimum of 55 credits.

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelors in economics and management sciences 
Bachelors in management engineering
-   Direct access -  
Any bachelor (equivalent to the ones above) Program filling general access requirements   On the file: direct access or access with additional training -  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Bachelors in economics and management sciences 
Bachelors in management sciences
Bachelors in management engineering
-   Direct access -  
Any bachelor (equivalent to the ones above) Program filling general access requirements   On the file: direct access or access with additional training -  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Bachelor in de toegepaste economische wetenschappen
Bachelor in management 
ingenieur of in commerciele
-   Direct access -  
Foreign Bachelors
Any program in management sciences or equivalent from recognized universities Program filling general access requirements   On the file: direct access or access with additional training -  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
More information about transition programs (passerelles) to the university.

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Any "licence" Program filling general access requirements   On the file: direct access or access with additional training -  
Any "master"   -  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
For more information about transition programs to university, please follow the link passerelles.

It is possible to have access to any masters (except advanced masters) following a procedure of validation of at least 3 year of professional experience (VAE: Valorisation des Acquis de l'Expérience).

Admissions request via VAE must be received beginning of August to the following address: admissions-lsm@uclouvain.be. Examinations of VAE take place end of August. Due to this timing only students holding a Belgian degree can apply.

For this public, the UCL also offers other continuing education programs in management. See our offer on: http://www.uclouvain.be/formation-continue.html

Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.

See the general admission requirements

Specific procedures :

As a reminder, students holding a Belgian bachelor degree in Management can have direct access to the program. (See the
general admission requirements)As there is no admission procedure to follow, they can fill in directly their enrolment request: Demande d'inscription

Other applicants will follow this specific procedure:

a. Application deadlines

  • Students non-European degree (non European Union): April 30;
  • Students European degree (European Union): August 31;
  • Students Belgian degree: September 15

b. Documents to be joined

    1. A completed application form

2. A motivation letter

All applicants should join a motivation letter to the application (maximum one page).

3. Officials transcripts of grades

  • Students holding a non Belgian degree should also sent: (a) The official transcript of records for each previous year of university studies; (b) The supplement or, if this document is not available, the description of the grading scale applied; (c) If the candidate whish to do it, the scores at the TAGE-MAGE or at the GMAT may be joined.
  • Students holding a Belgian degree have to send the official transcript of grades for each college and/or university study year.

4. French language test scores

Student holding a non Belgian degree and who have not spent at least two year in a French-speaking university (see 1c above) are required to join the results of a French language test (minimum B2).



See "droits d'inscription 2010-2011"

| 15/06/2010 |