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Minor in Education [30.0]

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

The programme for the minor in education is designed to :
- provide the basic foundations in education
- introduce certain methods of research
- put previous studies into perspective and make use of previous experience


Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

The minor in education is open to all UCL students.
The admission procedure involves :
- attending an information session(http://www.uclouvain.be/152629.html). The last session ison Wednesday 20 August 2008
- sending an application form
- meeting a training adviser  

Minor in Education [30.0]
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryCours à suivre en 2ème année de baccalauréat (15credits)
Mandatory FOPA1300

Philosophy of education and formation  (in French) Franco Cortesi, Hervé Pourtois60h 5credits  xx
Mandatory FOPA1307

History of education and training  (in French) Dominique Grootaers, Guy Zelis30h 5credits  xx

Mandatoryun des deux cours suivants (5credits)
Optional FOPA1305

Psychologie du développement humain  (in French) James Day30h 5credits  xx
Optional FOPA1306

Psychologie de l'apprentissage : aspects cognitifs, sociaux et motivationnels  (in French) Gaëtane Chapelle (supplée Mariane Frenay), Mariane Frenay, Marie Van Reybroeck (supplée Mariane Frenay)60h 5credits  xx

MandatoryCours à suivre en 3ème année de baccalauréat (15credits)
Mandatory FOPA1302

Sociology of education and formation  (in French) Branka Cattonar, Jean-Emile Charlier, Hugues Draelants45h 5credits  xx
Mandatory FOPA1304

Economie de l'éducation et de la formation  (in French) Vincent Vandenberghe45h 5credits  xx
Mandatory FOPA1330

Méthodologie de la recherche en sciences humaines  (in French) Vincent Dupriez30h 5credits  xx

Training accessible at the end of the minor
Students who have taken the minor in education at UCL may go on to do the Master in Education at UCL.

Useful contacts

Retour en début de pageCurriculum management

Academic in charge

Retour en début de pageUseful contacts

Contact person

Practical information
The courses for the minor in education is in the framework of the programme for the preparatory year of the Master in Education. The Master attracts mature students, most of whom are education professionals (teachers, trainers etc) who wish to improve their skills.


Courses in the minor in education are held only on a part-time basis (evenings 18.00 – 22.00 and/or Saturday 09.00 -17.30).

See above

Enrolment for the minor
There is a special procedure for enrolling for the minor (see above). Students will be given a written agreement.
Enrolment in BAC 2 is done online. In BAC 3, enrolment is done automatically.

Changing enrolment for the minor
All requests for changes in the choice of the minor should be submitted in writing, before 15 September 2008, to Sandra Georges.

Consultation of course schedules
Course schedules are available at the beginning of September 2008 at http://www.uclouvain.be/68536.html
Resolving timetabling clashes
Not applicable because of the part-time nature of the course.
Information on the prerequisite subjects

Enrolment for activities in the programme of the minor
done by students online

Gaining official stamp from the person in charge of the minor See written enrolment agreement


Information on e-learning
Given by the lecturer or the training adviser at the beginning of the course.________________________________________

Enrolment for examinations
is done by our office. In parallel with the course schedules, the examinations are held in the evenings and at weekends and do not form a traditional examination session. Assessment usually takes place during the last class.

Consultation of exam schedule
This information is available in the course schedule. At the beginning of each course, the lecturer will inform students about the different kinds of assessment to be used.