Practical information

Enrolling on the minor

1 Organisational details
Academic in charge : Vincent Dujardin - Institut d'études européennes
: Isabelle Henkinbrant - Institut d'études européennes
Practical information: Nadine Gelinne - place des Doyens, 1 - 2nd floor, office B.235 - Every day apart from Thusrdays from 10:00 until 12h30 and from 14:00 until 16:30 010/47 84 88

2 Admission to the minor
The minor in European Studies in open to all UCL baccalaureate students.

3 Enrolling on the minor and checks to the minor enrollment form 
To access the IT application you need to enroll on an elective course (minor, approfondissement, option), use the page :
Information on the program content: N. Gelinne - 010/47 84 88 or

4 Checks on the minor enrollment
This point does not apply to this minor.

5 Checks on the minor enrollment
Any requests for changes must be made to the conseiller aux études (course adviser) from the student's own faculty.


Course times

1 Consulting course times

2 Resolving possible timetable clashes using an equivalence table  
For any changes to the standard minor program, in the event of a timetable clash, the student must obtain the consent of the conseiller aux études (course adviser) of his/her own faculty and the authorization of the person in charge of the minor in European Studies. 
Contact person for changes to the program : Isabelle Henkinbrant,
Administrative contact - by email:


Sign-up form for minor activities

1 Information on entry requirements
This point does not apply to the minor.

2 Signing up for minor program activities  
To access the IT program you need to sign up for the elective (minor, approfondisssement, option) activities, use the page:

3 Obtaining a  "visa"from the person in charge of the minor
This point does not apply to this minor.


Available support

At the beginning of each course, the teacher informs the students of what support is available.  


Organization of exams

1 Registering for exams
Information on the administrative procedures to follow when registering for exams :

  • The student enrolled on the minor in European Studies obtains a registration form from his/her own faculty and completes the "customary" form made available to him/her by the faculty.
  • The lists of oral exam times are drawn up by EURO. Students do not need to sign up in advance. The student is invited to consult the bulletin board of the Institut d'études européennes (2nd floor, place des Doyens, 1 near office B.235) or the site of the l'Institut d'études européennes:
  • The student must then check the final exam time. The date on which the final times will be posted up are indicated on the paper bulletins of the Institut d'études européennes.

2 Consulting exam times
Exam times can be consulted at the following address:


| 27/11/2008 |