Practical information

Useful contacts

Secretariat : Annie Célis and Josiane Toremans
Tel: 02/7647360,,, location : Tour 73 van Helmont, level 0.

The secretariat is open to students every morning between 10:00 and 12:00 and on Mondays and Thursdays between 13:00 and 14:00. Specific timetable during holidays. 

Conseiller aux études (course adviser) : Etienne Sonveaux
Tel: 02/7647349,, location : Tour 73 van Helmont 4th floor.

Enrolling for the elective course

1. Enrolling for the elective course
Students enroll for the approfondissement in pharmaceutical science option at the same time as they enroll on the major, at the beginning of the academic year via the address link

2. Changes to the elective registration form 
Requests to change the registration form must be submitted, following discussion with the conseiller aux études (course adviser) to the admissions committee, via the secretariat  (, Av. Mounier, 73 at 1200 Brussels) which will judge the suitability of the request. The deadline to make the request is 30 September.

Course times

Course times are available at the address link

Signing up for elective courses

1. Information on the restrictive sequences of courses 

2. Signing up for elective activities  
Students sign up for the approfondissement in pharmaceutical science program activities at the same time as they sign up for major program activities, at the beginning of the academic year via the address link

Organization of exam times

1. Registering for exams 
Students register for exams at the same time as they enroll for major program activities exams during the periods indicated by the Ecole de pharmacie by filling in a form which is handed out to students.

2. Consulting exam times
Exam times are affixed to the Ecole de pharmacie's bulletin board in due time

| 11/05/2007 |