
MINT Departement of Internal Medecine
First part
Academic Supervisor : Martin Buysschaert
Contact : Secretary's office for Internal medecine
Tel. 027641054
Second part
Academic Supervisor : Luc Delaunois
Contact : Service of Pneumology
Tel. 081423351

Teaching Committees
First part
President : Martin Buysschaert
Members : L. Delaunois, A. Ferrant, A. Geubel, Ph. Hainaut, F. Houssiau, Y. Pirson, M. Symann, J.-L. Vanoverschelde.
Second part
President : L. Delaunois
Members : COLLARD Philippe, LIISTRO Giuseppe, MARCHAND Eric, RODENSTEIN Daniel, SIBILLE Yves, VANDENPLAS Olivier. One representative from the "MACCS".

Selection Committee
The Selection Committee for candidate assistant clinician specialist doctors (MACCS, in French) is composed of the members of the teaching Committee, to which are added two guest members and two co-opted members.

| 23/10/2008 |