
Students must have gained an undergraduate degree with the following credits :
  • 35 credits for political science courses including three of the following four courses (or their equivalent) : POLS 1328 Comparative politics (5 credits), POLS 1319 Geopolitics (5 credits), POLS 1223 Theory of Organizations and Public Policy (5 credits), POLS 1320 Analysis of the International System (5 credits)
  • 10 credits from courses on the methodology of social sciences 
  • 6 credits from English language courses. Students must have reached intermediate level.

Courses which have not already been taken may be added to the Master study programme (up to a maximum of 15 credits). It is up to the programme director to agree the equivalences between different courses. If the total of prerequisite subjects is more than 15 credits, entry to the Master programme is conditional on the successful completion of a preparatory year and gaining a maximum of 60 credits.

- Special conditions for entry to the focus in Humanitarian Action  Contact : Ch. Herman

University Bachelors
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
UCL Bachelors
Bachelor in Political Sciences: General [180.0]   Direct access  
Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology [180.0]
Bachelor in Human and Social Sciences [180.0]
Si ils ont suivi la mineure en sciences politiques  Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the French speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Belgian Bachelors of the Dutch speaking Community
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Foreign Bachelors
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Non university Bachelors
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> BA - assistant(e) social(e)
> BA - conseiller(ère) social(e)
> BA en communication
> BA en droit
> BA en sciences administratives et gestion publique
Accès au master moyennant réussite d'une année préparatoire de max. 60 créditsType court
> BA en communication appliquée - type long
> BA en gestion publique - type long
> BA en traduction et interprétation - type long
Accès au master moyennant vérification de l'acquisition des matières prérequises (examen d'admission, entretien, examen de dossier, etc.)Type long

Holders of a 2nd cycle University degree
Diploma Special Requirements Access Remarks
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  
Intitulé du programme appelé par le code   Direct access  

Holders of a non-University 2nd cycle degree
Diploma Access Remarks
> Find out more about links to the university
> MA en communication appliquée spécialisée, animation socioculturelle et éducation permanente
> MA en communication appliquée spécialisée, publicité et communication commerciale
> MA en communication appliquée spécialisée, relations publiques
> MA en communication appliquée, animation socioculturelle et éducation permanente
> MA en communication appliquée, publicité et communication commerciale
> MA en communication appliquée, relations publiques
> MA en gestion publique
> MA en interprétation
> MA en presse et information
> MA en presse et informations spécialisées
> MA en sciences administratives
> MA en traduction
Accès direct au master moyennant ajout éventuel de 15 crédits maxType long

Entry to all Masters (with the exception of Advanced Masters) can be gained through the special procedure for accrediting prior learning and experience known as VAE (validation des acquis de l'expérience).

Entry to this Master can be gained through this procedure.


Reminder : all Masters (apart from Advanced Masters) are also accessible on file.
Entry to all Masters (with the exception of Advanced Masters) can also be gained on submission of a special personal file.  

See the general admission requirements

Procédures particulières :

The Master in Political Science (International Relations) has introduced an admission  committee formed of academics and scientists involved in the programme. Under thechairmanship of the programme director, it is their role to deal with questions relating to admission and, from time to time, to assess the quality of the programme.

Requests for admission and for further information should be addressed to the programme director (C. Herman).
Requests for exemption and equivalences between courses and personalized entry are subject to the agreement of the programme director from whom agreement for each individual programme must also be sought.

| 18/03/2009 |