Teaching methodStrong points of the pedagogical approach
- Combination of theory/ practice
- Links with research
- Using technology There is active participation in the programme from institutional players who, for many years, have worked together to develop training in university teaching and educational research : at UCL, the UNESCO Chair in university teaching, the Institut of University Teaching and Multimedia (Institut de pédagogie universitaire et des Multimédias - IPM) and the FOPA; at the Facultés universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix in Namur , the University Teaching Service of the Department of Education and Technology. Support teams for the Advanced Master
A team (made up of a visiting lecturer, an adviser from one of the university teaching centres if the candidate comes from a university or an adviser from a college of higher education if the candidate comes from this sector) will supervise students’ progress and their final review assignment.
The assessment of the Advanced Master is done through the production of the final review assignment, in which students show evidence of their ability to analyze and assess their professional practices and make use of the appropriate theoretical frameworks. There is a review seminar to give students help and support for the final review assignment.
Satisfactory completion of the Advanced Master is conditional on the defence of the final review assignment (written report to be submitted).