Practical informations

Useful contacts

R. VAN DYCK - Secretariat of the department of physics - M. de Hemptinne -

D. FAVART - Conseiller aux études (course adviser)-

Enrolling for the elective

1. Enrolling for the elective
Students enroll on the approfondissement elective at the same time as they enroll on the 2nd year of the baccalaureate.

2. Changes to the elective enrollment
Any request to change an elective must be submitted to the conseiller aux études (course adviser) for approval.

Course timetable

Course times will be available at the following address:

Signing up for elective courses 

Students sign up for approfondissement in physical science elective activities at the same time as they sign up for major program activities, at the beginning of the academic year. A registration form will be available online. 

Exam times

The exam times will be posted on the faculty bulletin board in the hall des auditoires des sciences for the 2nd year and on the department of physics bulletin board for the 3rd year. Exam times can also be consulted at:

| 24/07/2009 |