Practical informations

Signing up for the approfondissement

1 Signing up for the approfondissement and checks on the application
To be determined

2 Changes to the registration form for the approfondissement
Any student who wishes to change his choice of option must inform the conseiller aux études (course adviser), giving the reasons that justify the request to change the registration form, before Monday, 02 October, 2006.

Jacques Laffineur, conseiller aux études de la Faculté de droit :

  • Faculté de droit - Collège Thomas More - Office C.011
  • Office hours : Tuesdays from 9.00 until à 11.00 and Wednesdays from 11.00 until 13.00
  • By appointment (to be taken by telephone - 010/47 86 10 - or by email sent to the following address:


Course timetable 

Registration form for approfondissement activities

1 Information on requirements 
The program of courses for the approfondissement en droit is not a binding sequence of classes. The student is required to respect the way subjects are distributed over the two years of study, as presented in the detailed course structure.  

2 Signing up for approfondissement activities


Available support

The Service-Cours du Cercle des étudiants de Droit (Course Service for the law students' group) is open on Tuesdays from 13.00 until  15.00, Wednesday from 13.00 until 15.00 and Thursday from 16.15 until 18.00.

Rue P.J. Redouté, 1 (to the right of the Cercle de Droit - Chez Adèle)


Organization of exams

1 Registering for exams
All students who take exams must pick up a registration form from the Faculté de Droit's secretariat.

The registration forms are distributed by the members of the faculty secretariat in the hall of the Faculté de Droit, in front of the valves for each year of studies (according to a timetable available at the following address : student has their own form, which is given upon presentation of a student card or I.D. card. 

Should the student be unable to request his/her form in person, s/he may give a signed and dated power of attorney to another student who will pick up the form in his/her place. The administrative secretariat will keep this power of attorney which will be attached to the form of the student who has been unable to attend in person. 

On the exam registration form:

  1. The student checks the encoding of his program.A signed and returned form signals agreement on the programme.
  2. The student fills in the exam registration form, dates and signs it personally (except where s/he has granted power of attorney) and posts it through the letterbox for the year of study in question near the reception within the time period specified by the administrative secretariat. After the deadline, the administrative secretariat will no longer register any further student for the session in question. 
  3. On the back of the registration form, the student indicates a choice of dates on which s/he will sit oral exams, based on the provisional timetable which is affixed to the faculty valves and is available on the administrative secretariat's site. The secretariat places the students on the oral exam charts, paying as close attention as possible to their preferences after drawing a letter of the alphabet from a hat. After the students have been placed on the exam charts, new exam times are posted up. The students are then required to consult the definitive timetable.  

2 Consulting exam times

| 22/05/2009 |