The Master en théologie provides in-depth training in the various fields of theology (exegesis, historical, dogmatic, ethical, pastoral) whilst also offering either research training in a specific field (research focus) or teacher training (teaching focus). In each field, the student is invited to approach a specific subject in an in-depth manner, in connection with significant current issues, in order to learn how to take a rigorous approach to his work and develop a critical mind. A selection of activities help him not just to learn more about the speciality he has chosen but also to consider other issues and training programmes which tie in with his areas of interest (e.g.: Master en Etudes Bibliques, Master en Science des Religions).
The core courses (90 credits) must include a dissertation (28+2 credits), one seminar in heuristics and one in theological integration (2 x 4 credits). The other activities cover the diverse areas of theological studies and are offered in the form of biennial courses. Each student puts together his programme by following the grids below. He also reserves one of the two focuses available (research or teaching) for a total of 30 credits.
Each student’s programme will amount to at least 60 credits per year.
It must be approved by the Chair of the Faculty Masters Committee (TEMA).
Any student who so wishes may, with the consent of the aforementioned Chair, replace the activities included in his programme with equivalent activities which feature in the Masters programme offered by KULeuven (Faculteit Godgeleerdheid). The total number of activities followed at Leuven must not exceed 20 credits. Once he has exceeded 20 credits, the student is invited to enroll in the exchange programme which features in the agreement between the two faculties.
Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall total 120 credits, spread over two years of study each of 60 credits
Core courses in the Master en théologie
The student chooses one of the two focuses proposed:
• Research focus
• Teaching focus
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Core courses
One focus from the following two :
Activities chosen in the core courses of the masters programme can constitute a certificat d’université en théologie (advanced module). The programme for this type of certificate will be drawn up individually with the person in charge of the programme. It will include at least one activity in each of the theological disciplines (exegesis, history, dogmatics, ethics, pastoral).