Core courses

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryMémoire et accompagnement (30credits)
Mandatory MUSI2892

Dissertation  (in French) N. 28credits   x
Mandatory MUSI2890

Dissertation seminar  (in French) N.15h 2credits   x

MandatoryChoix de cours (10 crédits)
L'étudiant choisit soit 10 crédits de cours dans le tronc commun du master en histoire de l'art et archéologie, orientation générale; soit un ou plusieurs cours en lien avec le mémoire dans le programme d'histoire de l'art et archéologie ou dans les programmes de la faculté ou de l'UCL. Par exemple :
Optional ARKM2310

Iconology and History of Art  (in French) Pauline Voute15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional ARKM2410

Art theory  (in French) Ralph Dekoninck15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional ARKM2730

History of sculpture from the Middle Ages to the Neoclassicism  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 2q xx
Optional ARKM2740

History of Painting: from Renaissance to Neo-Classicism  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 2q xx
Optional ARKM2720

History of Architecture of the Middle Ages and Modern Times  (in French) Philippe Bragard15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ARKM2750

Early Netherlandish Painting (15th Century)  (in French) Anne Dubois15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ARKM2760

Special problems of modern art  (in French) Joël Roucloux15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional ARKM2770

Special problems of contemporary art  (in French) Alexander Streitberger15h 5credits 1q xx

MandatoryCours spécifiques à l'orientation (20 crédits) :
Mandatory MUSI2895

Professional trainings and disciplinary practices (Musicology)
( )  (in French)
N. 5credits  xx
Mandatory MUSI2894

Séminaire de musicologie  (in French) Anne-Emmanuelle Ceulemans15h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Mandatory MUSI2881

Special questions on music history A  (in French) Christophe Pirenne15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Mandatory MUSI2882

Special questions on music history B  (in French) Christophe Pirenne15h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
| 21/01/2009 |