Bachelor in Sociology and Anthropology [0.0]

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryProgramme de base

MandatoryFormation de base en sciences humaines
Mandatory ESPO1321

Economic, Political and Social Ethics  (in French) Philippe Van Parijs (coord.)20h + 10h 3credits 1q 
Mandatory POLS1224

The Political and Administrative System in Belgium  (in French) Lieven De Winter, André-Paul Frognier, Caroline Van Wynsberghe (supplée Lieven De Winter), Christian de Visscher45h 5credits 2q 

MandatoryCours au choix
5 crédits minimum parmi :
Optional COPS1311

Social Philosophy  (in French) Mark Hunyadi-Buzas30h 4credits 2q 
Optional POLS1329

Sociology of Religion  (in French) Jean-Pierre Hiernaux30h 5credits  
Optional SPED1212

Analysis of Development Policy  (in French) Sophie Charlier (supplée null), Isabel Yépez Del Castillo30h 5credits 1q 
Optional SPED1213

Contemporary issues in development policy: a comparative approach  (in French) Bichara Khader30h 3credits 2q 
Optional SPED1214

Demographic issues and challenges in the 21st century  (in French) Catherine Gourbin, Dominique Tabutin30h 3credits 2q 
Optional SPED1215

Gender and Societies  (in French) Catherine Gourbin, Isabel Yépez Del Castillo30h 5credits 1q 
Optional TECO2201

Questions of religious sciences: biblical readings  (in French) Jean-Pierre Delville15h 2credits 2q 
Optional TECO2202

Questions of religious sciences: reflections about christian faith  (in French) Benoît Bourgine15h 2credits 1q 
Mandatory TECO2203

Questions of religious sciences: questions about ethics  (in French) Walter Lesch15h 2credits 2q 

MandatorySociologie et anthropologie
Mandatory COPS1214

Social psychology  (in French) David Bourguignon (supplée Olivier Corneille), Olivier Corneille30h 3credits 1q 
Mandatory POLS1316

The History of Debates in Sociology and Anthropology  (in French) Christian Maroy45h + 20h 8credits  

MandatoryChaire Jacques Leclercq
2 Chaires parmi:
Optional ANSO1390

Jacques Leclercq Chair I  (in French) Jean-Michel Chaumont15h 3credits  
Optional ANSO1391

Jacques Leclercq Chair II  (in French) N.15h 3credits  
Optional ANSO1392

Jacques Leclercq Chair III  (in French) N.15h 3credits  
Optional ANSO1393

Jacques Leclercq Chair IV  (in French) Leopoldo Alberto Munera Ruiz15h 3credits  

MandatoryInformatique et méthodes en sociologie et anthropologie
Mandatory POLS1326

Practical Research Seminars in Sociology and Anthropology  (in French) Daniel Bodson, Jean-Pierre Hiernaux, Pierre-Joseph Laurent, Olivier Servais, Anne-Marie Vuillemenot45h + 20h 8credits  

Mandatory POLS1314

Social Law  (in French) Bernard Nyssen30h 3credits 2q 

MandatoryFormation en langues
Mandatory ANGL2431

Interactive English for Sociologists  (in English) Jennifer Moreman, Colleen Starrs (coord.), Françoise Stas30h 3credits 1q 

L'étudiant choisit 14 crédits en année 2 et 16 crédits en année 3

MandatoryOption (16 crédits)
| 22/01/2009 |