Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : General [60.0] - ROGE2M1

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

At the end of his studies, the student will have developed communication skills in the two languages studied (one Germanic language and one Romance language) which will have been part of his 60 credit master programme. These skills are classed at European level as belonging to a 'proficient user'.
Moreover, the student will have been given an introduction to a linguistic or literary approach in the linguistic fields selected.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of :
♦ core courses (45 credits), made up of :
- 30 language course credits (15 credits per language studied);
- 15 credits for the end of study work;
♦ and optional courses (15 credits) to be spread equally between linguistics and literature and the languages studied.

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Accessible master : the Master en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale [120.0] (direct access to the second year of the master).

Links to the 'Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur' : at the end of the master 60 en langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale, the student has access to the l'Agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur (langues et littératures modernes, orientation générale) [30.0]'.

| 28/01/2009 |