The full-time training lasts three years and comprises a theoretical part (at least 180 hours per year), a pre-clinical part (at least 30 hours per year) and a clinical part (at least 1,290 hours per year).
In addition to the internal placement in the training centre under the direction of an approved placement supervisor-coordinator, the clinical training also includes an external independent professional practice placement of at least 500 hours in an approved location and under the direction of an approved placement supervisor.
During the placements, candidates devote themselves entirely to practising a specialization, according to a plan approved by the ministerial committee. During training, candidates may not undertake any clinical activity outside their placement work.
Candidates must become involved in research work in an area of the specialization. Before the end of the training, they must present a paper to a scientific meeting as well as a dissertation or an article for publication in a leading international journal.
Programme committee
President : Pierre BERCY
Members : Myriam DELATTE, Michel DELMEE, Jacques GRIMONSTER, Patrick OBEID, Jean-Pierre VAN NIEUWENHUYSEN, Christian VANZEVEREN, José VREVEN and a representative from the DACCS.