Data Management and Analysis [15.0]

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

choose 15 credits from :

OptionalMéthodologies disciplinaires
Optional SPED1211

Introduction to Demography  (in French) Godelieve Stroobant30h 5credits 1q xx
Optional DEMO2160

Demographic analysis
( Prérequis : SPED1211 )  (in French)
Bruno Schoumaker30h + 20h 5credits  xx

OptionalSystèmes d'analyse de données
Optional DEMO2210

Socio-demographic surveys and information systems  (in French) Bruno Schoumaker, Dominique Tabutin60h 8credits  xx
Optional INGI1271

Files and databases
( )  (in French)
Alain Pirotte30h + 30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional CLIG2220

Overview of applications in NLP  (in French) Cédrick Fairon15h 5credits 1+2q xx
Optional FLTR2620

Natural language processing  (in French) Cédrick Fairon22.5h 5credits 1q xx
Other Master offering this option
| 26/01/2009 |