Option in management of care institutions [30.0]

Option course in managing care institutions [30.0]

Management of care institutions
The programme is designed for students who wish to acquire and/or improve their skills in the field of management of care institutions such as hospitals, convalescent homes and care homes. These skills include :
- conforming with legal and administrative requirements,
- understanding logistical or technical problems,
- leading teams,
- management : being able to devise, plan, organize and assess resources, means and processes and interventions,
- project management,
- information and communication with people and the institution in order to promote good, ethical management practice.
Graduates of this programme will have acquired, in these fields, university-level skills combining techniques and skills for questioning, based on interdisciplinarity, scientific rigour and the results of research.

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

Cette option est destinée aux étudiants de la finalité spécialisée.
Mandatory ESP2260

Gestion des ressources humaines et management  (in French) Christine Franckx, Micheline Gobert, Pierre Meurens (coord.)50h + 20h 7credits   x
Mandatory ESP2261

Gestion des processus  (in French) Frédéric Bielen, Xavier De Béthune, Claudine Henaux (coord.), Anne Simon45h + 10h 6credits   x
Mandatory ESP2162

Gestion financière  (in French) Guy Durant45h + 15h 6credits  x 
Mandatory ESP2263

Organisation des institutions de soins (y compris la gestion des institutions pour personnes âgées)  (in French) Guy Durant, François Ladrière (coord.)50h 5credits   x
Mandatory ESP2264

Gestion de l'information  (in French) Claire Beguin, Etienne De Clercq, Benoît Debande (coord.), Claude MICHEL20h + 20h 3credits   x
Mandatory ESP2265

Gestion de projet (stage)  (in French) Elisabeth Darras (coord.), Patrick De Coster, Guy Durant15h + 20h 3credits   x
| 9/02/2009 |