Professional Focus in Applied Linguistics for Language Learning [30.0]

This professional focus aims to give students an introduction to the tools, methodology and concepts which are essential to language learning (linguistic policy, learning psychology, specific language-related methodology).
Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryCours de base (15credits)
Mandatory ROM2610

Analysis of linguistic phenomena and the teaching of French   (in French) Philippe Hambye22.5h 5credits 2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Mandatory ROM2650

Training in the teaching of French as a mother tongue, second or foreign language   (in French) Silvia Lucchini15h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional ROM2620

Acquisition of a seond or foreign language: theory and applications   (in French) Silvia Lucchini22.5h 5credits 1q x 
Optional LING2020

Tweede- en Vreemde taalverwerving (KUL - FO440A)  (in French) N. 5credits  x 

MandatoryPsychologie de l'apprentissage (5credits)
Mandatory PSYM2431

Apprentissage et troubles d'apprentissage  (in French) Jacques Grégoire60h 5credits 2q x 

MandatoryApprentissage d'une langue étrangère (10credits)
Optional FLTR2640

Multimédia et enseignement des langues  (in French) Alain Meurant15h + 15h 5credits   x
Optional ROM2930

Study of teaching language methods
(Ce cours est obligatoirement lié à un cours de langue étrangère pour débutants à l'I.L.V. L'évaluation de ce cours de langue sera intégrée à celle du cours ROM 2930.)  (in French)
Luc Collès15h 5credits   x
Optional ROM2630

Corrective and contrastive phonetics in French   (in French) Silvia Lucchini22.5h 5credits 2q  x
Optional GERM2725

English linguistics: Second Language Acquisition  (in English) Sylviane Granger, Fanny Meunier (coord.)30h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GERM2813

German Linguistics: Cognitive Theories of Second Language Acquisition  (in German) Joachim Sabel30h 5credits 1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year xx
Optional GERM2912

Methodology of teaching German: Linguistics  (in German) Joachim Sabel15h 5credits Periodic courses not taught this academic year xx
Optional GERM2835

Dutch linguistics: morphosyntactic, phonetic and lexical aspects of Dutch as a foreign language  (in Dutch) Philippe Hiligsmann15h 5credits 1q xx
Optional GERM2932

Dutch as a foreign language (DFL) seminar : linguistic aspects  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt15h 5credits Periodic courses taught this academic year xx
| 26/01/2009 |