The master in ancient and modern languages and literatures aims to provide advanced literary and linguistic training in the French and Latin fields (core courses: 60 credits, including dissertation).
The choice of two options (15+15 credits) helps the student to specialise in the different areas of Latin philology (language and texts from the medieval period up to modern times, Roman antiquity) or French philology (linguistics, Medieval language and literature, modern literature, literary creation) or in another discipline, possibly as an addition to the focus chosen or the minor taken in the bachelor programme.
The student has access to six focuses 30 credits each): research focus; teaching focus; professional focus in library studies; 'finalité spécialisée en français langue étrangère and in 'français en milieu professionnel' (borrowed from the master en langues et littératures modernes) or professional focus in natural language processing / 'Ingéniérie linguistique' (borrowed from the Master in Linguistics).
Other accessible masters :
- at the end of the master 120, each focus in the Master in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures can be obtained in another year of 30 credits only;
- where the student hasn't taken the teaching focus, teacher training of 30 credits can be followed after a research or professional focus master.
Accessible doctoral training :
- 'Ecole doctorale en Langues et lettres'.