Master in Modern Languages and Literatures : German, Dutch and English [120.0] - GERM2M

AnnéesTravail de fin d'étude

Retour en début de pageStudy objectives

1. At the end of his studies, regardless of the focus chosen, the student will have developed high level communication skills in the two Germanic languages studied.

These skills are classed at European level as belonging to a 'proficient user' .
In concrete terms, the student will be able to :
• Participate with ease in interactive communication relating to social, professional and academic life;
• Express himself in writing on complex subjects in a clear, well-structured way, master the academic vocabulary and the organisational and cohesive skills in discourse;
• Understand without difficulty complex presentations in foreign languages, even if they are made in a language which departs somewhat from 'standard' language;
• Understand a large range of long, demanding texts, as well as grasp the detail of implicit meaning and academic arguments.
2. Depending on the focus chosen, the student will also have developed :
• In-depth literary and/or linguistic skills in the Germanic languages. This research focus prepares students who so wish for literary, linguistic or didactical research;
• Specific professional skills leading to possible employment in the private sector (professional focus in languages for business communication) ;
• Teaching skills in both Germanic languages studied (and the title 'agrégé de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur') (teaching focus).
The student will also have acquired the basics allowing him, if he so wishes and with some variation depending on the course chosen (Cf infra), to start doctoral research.

Retour en début de pageGeneral presentation of the programme

The programme is made up of:
♦ core courses (75 credits), made up of:
- 28 dissertation credits and 2 credits for the accompanying seminar;
- 30 credits in language courses (15 credits per language studied);
- 15 credits for optional courses depending on languages studied;
♦ one focus (30 credits);
♦ and one option or optional courses (15 credits).

Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits

Core courses


Options or optional courses

Retour en début de pagePositioning of the programme

Other accessible masters :
- at the end of the master 120, each focus in the master en langues et littératures modernes, orientation germaniques, can be obtained in a new year of 30 credits only;
- if the student has not taken the teaching focus, teacher training of 30 credits can be taken after a research or professional focus master;
- the Master en communication multilingue [120.0] and the Master en linguistique [120.0] are particularly good choices of accessible masters after a master en langues et littératures modernes, orientation germaniques.
Accessible doctoral training :
- 'École doctorale en Langues et lettres';
- 'École doctorale thématique en didactique du français, des langues, des littératures et des cultures'.
| 5/05/2009 |