Master in Philosophy [60.0]
Study objectives
At the end of this second level in one year, students will have acquired advanced knowledge of philosophy and will be able to make a critical summary of philosophical literature on a specific issue as well as address and defend philosophical arguments.
This level will help students address new subjects and study in a more in-depth way specific issues relating to subjects already tackled during the first level.
General presentation of the programme
The master en philosophie includes core courses of 55 credits (40 credits of shared subjects and a dissertation of 15 credits) and 5 credits in optional courses.
The courses in the shared subjects of the core courses deal with specific issues which helps the student gain a deeper understanding and hone his skills in the various fields of philosophy.
Moreover, one or several optional courses help the student pursue this additional module or acquire knowledge in disciplines connected to his specialisation.
When writing his dissertation, the student will learn how to summarise in a critical way literature relating to one issue as well as address and defend philosophical arguments.
Core courses
Optional courses
Positioning of the programme
The master en philosophie 60 gives access to the master en philosophie 120 (FILO2M) provided the student also takes the preparatory seminar for the dissertation (FILO 2960).
The master en philosophie 60 gives access to the master 120 en éthique (ETHI2M) provided the student also takes the preparatory seminar for the dissertation and the following courses and seminar : FILO 2190- Questions approfondies de philosophie morale (5credits), ESPO 1321- Ethique économique, sociale et politique (5credits), FILO 2920- Séminaire de philosophie pratique (6credits).
At the end of the master 60, the student can go on to the 'programme d'agrégation de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur' (AESS).
There is a university certificate in philosophy (additional module) which borrows from second level courses. This certificate is awarded at the end of one year of study on a programme made up of second level courses.