The programme (120 credits) comprises core subjects (74 credits), a focus (30 credits) and an option course (16 credits).
Apart from the core subjects which are compulsory for everyone, students may choose :
- a focus : either the professional focus which provides training for professional pharmacists, or the research focus which is theoretical and practical training for research in pharmacy. The two focuses enable students to gain the professional status of pharmacist.
- one option course from the following five :
- dispensing and pharmaceutical monitoring
- innovation and design of drugs
- production, checking and regulation
- biopharmacy and pharmacotoxicology
- research in pharmacy. This option course is only open to students doing the research focus.
The contents of the different parts of the programme are outlined below.
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Core courses
Advanced Masters :
Advanced Master in Clinical Biology
Advanced Master in Industrial Pharmacy
Advanced Master in Hospital Pharmacy
Doctoral programmes :
Doctorate in pharmacy
Doctorate in biomedical sciences
University Certificate in pharmacy
University Certificate in pharmaceutical engineering and industrial technology
University Certificate in clinical pharmacy
University Certificate in radiopharmacy