The second cycle training available at the Department of Economic Science is designed to train academics to understand and analyse the practical economic and social issues of their time, explain and communicate their analyses to a wide range of audiences, put their analyses in wider contexts and go on to work with specialists from other disciplines.
The precise objective of the 120 credit Master in economic sciences with econometrics is to provide the economist with advanced methodological tools and strong analytical skills. It is therefore centred on the research focus and designed for students who intend to move on to a doctorate. This two year programme will provide them with research skills so that they are as well equipped as possible to do a doctoral dissertation.
This programme corresponds to the MPhil of foreign universities (for example the UK and the Netherlands) which offers a two year second cycle research-led programme leading on to a doctorate.
From the outset, this programme requires a good level in mathematics and statistics for economists.
The programme is organized by UCL through the Louvain School of Economics with the cooperation of the FUNDP in Namur and KULeuven and other Academy partners.
The 120 credit Master in Economic Sciences with Econometrics is centred on the research focus. The core subjects of the econometrics component is the same as the research focus of the general course. The 30 credits are therefore common to both the general course and the course with econometrics. The 120 credit Master with econometrics comprises :
- core subjects of 60 credits ;
- a focus of 30 credits ;
- two options of 15 credits each.
Whatever focuses and options are chosen, the programme for this Master must total a minimum of 120 credits, spread over two years of study. This corresponds to 60 credits per year.
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Main Courses
Compulsory courses : Quantitative Methods
Research Focus
Students who decide only to take a part of the proposed programme may either move to the 60 credit general Master programme or, alternatively, receive a diploma.