The interdisciplinaryMaster in Environmental Science and Management organized by the Université catholique de Louvain is designed for students and professionals who have already done a course of study at Master level and who wish to broaden their field to include other disciplines involved in environmental management and sustainable development.
The programme includes : core subjects including compulsory activities (45 credits) and a dissertation (15 credits). In addition, basic activities (maximum 15 credits) must have been taken to qualify for the Master degree (see Admission Conditions). Each individual programme must be approved by the coordinator in charge of the Master.
Although it is open to certain bachelors, the Master in Environmental Science and Management should ideally follow a first Master in human sciences, exact sciences or applied sciences. Its strongly interdisciplinary nature will provide second cycle students who wish to have a professional career in environment with useful additional knowledge in the areas of science and the integrated management of environmental issues.
Doctoral programmes : this Master does not lead to a doctorate.