Master in Law [120.0]
Study objectives
After a three-year bachelor, the programme in Master en droit has the dual objective of adding to the student's general training by teaching fundamental subjects (core courses) and providing him with specialist training in subjects more closely linked to his future professional career (focuses and optional courses). The student chooses his specialisation from the coherent set of subjects.
The balance between general training and specialised training should provide the student with the opportunity to acquire legal skills of a highly technical level, aided by skills in critical reflection.
The Master's programme is also intended to help students familiarise themselves with the world of work (internship and dissertation), broaden their linguistic skills (English courses and exchanges with KULeuven) and perfect their training abroad (Erasmus exchanges).
General presentation of the programme
The student constructs his programme to include four main coherent sections: core courses (43 credits), a dissertation (and supporting seminar: 17 credits), a focus (30 credits)and two optional courses (2 x 15 credits).
The programme of the first year of the Master is made up of:
• Courses and practical exercises from the core courses (spread out across the year) ;
• the supporting seminar for the dissertation (2nd semester) ;
• one optional course, from the fifteen which are available (2nd semester).
The programme of the 2nd year of the Master is made up of:
• a selected focus, from the six focuses available, either at UCL or abroad (1st semester) ;
• the dissertation (spread out across the year) ;
• a selected optional course, from the fifteen optional courses available — or optional courses in other focuses— or courses taken abroad at a partner university (Erasmus) (2nd semester).
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits Core courses Professional Focuses Options
Positioning of the programme
• Accessible advanced masters: possibility to add to training in an advanced masters in law either the advanced master in European law, in International Law, in Human Rights, in Environment Law or in Real Estate Law.
Doctoral training available : all (under construction)