The objective of this Advanced 2nd cycle programme is to prepare dentists to gain professional status as general dentists. (Ministerial Decree of 29 March 2002 published 31 May 2002).
General presentation of the programme
The training lasts one year on a full-time basis and is made up of a theoretical part (at least 250 hours) and a practical clinical part (at least 1,250 hours). The placements include duty activities. A dissertation of at least 10 pages must be written on a subject approved by the official committee.
Positioning of the programme
Programme committee
President : Christian VANZEVEREN
Members : Pierre BERCY, Alain BRABANT, Véronique BROGNIEZ, Myriam DELATTE, Jacques GRIMONSTER, Philippe JONES, Gaëtane LELOUP, Pierre MAHY, Charles PILIPILI, Hervé REYCHLER, Michel THONE, Jean-Pierre VAN NIEUWENHUYSEN, Gaëtan VERMEERSCH, José VREVEN and two representatives from students on the general dentistry programme, in cooperation with the programme committees from ULB and ULg.