The objective of the Master’s course in Architecture Engineering is to provide training in those disciplines in which a civil architecture engineer should have a theoretical and practical knowledge, as defined, introduced and developed in the architecture option of the Bachelor of Engineering program.
Its objectives are based on three premises which are developed in the program:
- the civil architecture engineer is an all-rounder (able to work in all the domains of human habitation: the land, the wider context, cities, buildings) with a solid background in engineering (the construction and fitting out of buildings)
- the architectural aspect is quantitatively and qualitatively important in the program (extensive practical work by the students, active learning approach, knowledge sharing environments)
- courses related to the “physical and cultural constraints” on the places where the architecture is actually carried out provide the overall balance of the program, integrating the human and positive sciences as well as knowhow related to the architectural project.
The Master’s curriculum in Architecture engineering will require a minimum total of 120 credits covering two years, with a minimum of 60 credits per year, and comprising :
- a common core of 75 credits
- a specialisation of 30 credits
- an elective taken from the three available: “building and urban design”, “regional planning” and “construction”, with a minimum of 15 credits each, or a group of courses selected from a list drawn up by the ARCH board, consisting of courses belonging to the Master program of UCL and the Higher Institutes of Architecture of Saint-Luc in Brussels, and Saint-Luc Wallonia (Liège and Tournai).
The final thesis is generally written during the last year. However, students may choose to take any given course in the first or second year, subject to possible prerequisites. This will be the case in particular for students pursuing part of their education abroad.
If, in the course of his (her) former curriculum, a student has already been credited with a subject included in the compulsory core curriculum, or any training deemed equivalent, this subject will be replaced by any elective course within the imposed constraints. The student is responsible for checking whether the minimum total number of credits has been reached, as well as those of the specialized field, which will appear on the final diploma.
The student’s curriculum will be scrutinized for acceptance by the Architecture engineering diploma committee.
Whatever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall total 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Core courses
Professional Focus
Options et cours au choix en architecture
- Complementary Master:
Complimentary Master in urban and regional design
- PhD program
Two doctoral schools:
1. EDT “architecture, urban design, architectural and urban engineering”
2. EDT “urban and regional planning”