1. The Master in Public Administration offers courses based on :
- the analysis of the many different issues faced by institutions and players in the context of public policy;
- he acquisition of methods and skills to deliver effectiveness and efficiency in public sector administration;
- the modernisation and continuous assessment of change in public organizations.
2. In terms of professional training, this Master prepares students to take up various roles in the administration and management of public organizations, both at regional and local level as well as in bodies working in close collaboration with the public sector (e.g. political parties, trades unions and professional organizations). In addition, although the programme is not primarily aimed at the Belgian public sector, it nevertheless offers support to students wishing to prepare for certain entry examinations held by public institutions such as the government recruitment office (SELOR).
3. Finally, this Master gives students the opportunity to develop their individual research skills. They will acquire a rigorous framework for posing questions in a field of their choice (see the options), either in the context of the work placement and the dissertation (professional focus) or the dissertation project which then leads on to a doctorate (research focus).
Students are required to follow all the core subjects totaling 70 credits and must choose one of two focuses (research or professional), each of which is worth 30 credits. To complete the programme and reach the necessary total of 120 credits, there is a choice of options based on regional axes (for example Belgium, Europe and Asia) or language courses.
The first year of the Master concentrates on in-depth study of the management of public organizations and public policy (30 credits); it also includes three advanced courses related to the other areas of political science (comparative politics, international relations, European studies for 15 credits) and optional subjects (15 credits).
During the second year, students pursue their focus (30 credits), produce a dissertation (25 credits) and choose a further 5 credits.
The research focus is designed to improve research skills in public administration. The teaching, which is shared with the 120 credit Master in political science, is designed to improve students’ methodology, help them learn how to work in a research team and to show them how to start preparing for their doctorate.
The research focus in policy and administration prepares the student for a professional career. Through a series of cross-disciplinary courses which bring together comparative politics, the analysis of public policy and related disciplines (law, communication, sociology, ethics), students develop practical skills in the field of public policy, in the widest possible sense. This focus also includes a period of compulsory work placement supervised by a lecturer from the Department. The work placement is associated with the student’s dissertation.
The Erasmus and, to a lesser extent, the Mercator schemes provide finance for study visits abroad for a semester.
In the context of the “‘Louvain Academy”, UCL and FUCAM (Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons à Mons – Catholic University Faculties of Mons in Mons) offer jointly Masters’ programmes (120 credits) in Political Science, either as a general subject or with the emphasis on international relations or public administration. Students may choose to study the focus at a partner institution and gain a degree issued jointly by the two institutions. These exchanges are made possible by specially coordinated courses and timetables.
Wathever the focus or the options chosen, the programme of this master shall totalise 120 credits, spread over two years of studies each of 60 credits
Core courses
One focus
Optional courses
Doctoral programmes : Doctoral school in political science or any other doctoral school certified by the Graduate College in political and social science.