Detailed course structure

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

En 2e année, l'étudiant choisit 10 crédits dans la liste des cours proposés en concertation avec le conseiller aux études  (in French) N.   x 

En 3e année, l'étudiant choisit 20 crédits dans la liste des cours proposés en concertation avec le conseiller aux études  (in French) N.    x

MandatoryCours au choix
Optional MAT1235

Some notions of mathematical logic  (in French) Christian Michaux, Cédric Rivière30h + 15h 5credits 2q xx
Optional MAT1251

Exercises on the use of mathematical software  (in French) Christian Fabry15h 2credits 2q xx
Optional MAT1341

Courbes algébriques  (in French) Luc Haine30h 3credits 1q xx
Optional SC2002

Elements of mathematics and physics history  (in French) Patricia De Grave30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional PHY1222

Quantum mechanics  (in English) Fabio Maltoni45h + 30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional PHY1223

Special Relativity  (in French) Jan Govaerts, Jean-Marc Gérard22.5h + 15h 4credits 1q xx
Optional PHY1261

Astronomy and geophysics  (in French) Véronique Dehant, Jean-Pascal van Ypersele de Strihou15h + 7.5h 2credits 2q xx
Optional PHY1322

Quantum Physics 2  (in French) Christophe Ringeval45h + 22.5h 6credits 1q xx
Optional STAT2130

Introduction to Bayesian statistics.  (in French) Philippe Lambert15h + 5h 4credits 2q xx
Optional INGE1221

Econometrics  (in French) Christian Hafner30h + 15h 5credits  xx
Optional STAT2160

Multivariate probabilities ans statistics  (in French) Ingrid Van Keilegom15h + 5h 4credits 2q xx
Optional STAT2020

Statistical computing  (in French) Céline Bugli (supplée Bernadette Govaerts), Bernadette Govaerts20h + 20h 6credits 1q xx
Optional SINF1161

Algorithmics and programming Part2  (in French) Baudouin Le Charlier30h + 30h 6credits 1q xx
Optional INGI1101

Discrete mathematics: logical foundations of computing science  (in French) Axel Van Lamsweerde30h + 30h 4credits 1q xx
Optional INGI1123

computability and complexity  (in French) Yves Deville30h + 30h 4credits 2q xx
Optional FSAB1105

Probability and statistics  (in French) Bernadette Govaerts, Cédric Heuchenne (supplée Bernadette Govaerts), Rainer von Sachs30h + 30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional INMA2380

Matrix theory  (in French) Paul Van Dooren30h + 22.5h 5credits 2q xx
Optional INMA1702

Applied mathematics : Optimization  (in French) Vincent Blondel, François Glineur30h + 22.5h 5credits 2q xx
Optional SINF1250

Mathematics for computer science  (in French) Laurence Wolsey30h + 15h 7credits 2q xx
Optional INMA1731

Stochastic processes : Estimation and prediction   (in French) Michel Gevers, Luc Vandendorpe (coord.)30h + 30h 5credits 2q xx
Optional STAT2030

Statistical analysis  (in French) Ingrid Van Keilegom, Rainer von Sachs30h + 22.5h 5credits 2q xx
Optional INMA1691

Discrete mathematics - Graph theory and algorithms   (in French) Vincent Blondel, Laurence Wolsey30h + 22.5h 5credits 1q xx
| 16/10/2008 |