Practical informations

Before the student is formally accepted onto the course, administration will look into whether the student will be able to attend all minor activities. For some minor activities, attendance is a requirement. Where possible, students should be free of all academic obligations linked to his/her main baccalaureate when s/he is attending minor classes. The student's availability will be confirmed by the student's conseiller aux études (course adviser). Where necessary, any other tailor-made solution will be subject to explicit agreement between the student in question, his/her conseiller aux études (course adviser) and the coordinator of the minor.   

Enrolling on the minor

1. Organizational details
Minor classes take place during the day on Tuesday mornings, Wednesdays all day and on Friday mornings and are given on the Louvain-la-Neuve site. 
The IEPR's agreement will be subject to the number of available places (cf admission to the course) and the medical non-contradiction  (medical aptitude inspection).
The admissions file (cf. admission onto the course) will be available on the network
or at the IEPR secretariat from 15 April, 2006. The file will be sent to the IEPR by 30 May, 2006.
Program coordinator : Cécile Delens

2. Admission to the minor
In concrete terms, any student who is interested in taking the minor will complete by 30 May of the previous academic year an application form for the minor (the form can be obtained in electronic format (Word) by email following a request made to the IEPR secretariat: from 15 April, 2006).

The IEPR's agreement will be subject to the number of places available and the medical non-contradiction (medical aptitude inspection). The admissions file will be available on the network  ( or at the IEPR secretariat from 15 April, 2006. The file will be sent to the IEPR by 30 May, 2006.

If demand exceeds the number of available places (maximum course capacity is twenty students per year of the minor, or a total of forty students), students will be chosen on the basis of their application file. 

The file will give the student the chance to explain the link between his/her choice of  minor course and his/her short and long-term professional and educational goals. In concrete terms, any student who is interested in the minor will complete an application form for the minor by 30 May of the previous academic year (the form can be obtained in electronic format (Word)  by email, by request to the IEPR secretariat:

Possible selection criteria (following analysis of the application)

  • the student's goals match those of the course 
  • clear motivation (in the case of a matching file, priority will be given to students who have chosen the minor as their first choice)
  • ability to compose texts and self-analyze
  • feasibility (basic agreement of the conseiller aux études from the student's own faculty)

This minor is not open to IEPR students.

The file will be filled in in June (and possibly in September), listing the results obtained in the student's main course. Should demand exceed available places, priority will be given to students who passed their first year baccalaureate in June. 

3. Enrolling on the minor and checks on the enrollment form
Link to be indicated

4. Checks on the minor enrollment
IEPR acceptance :

  • 15 July, 2006, for students who have passed their first year baccalaureate in June, 2006)
  • 15 September, for students who have passed their first year baccalaureate in September, 2006)

The decision will be sent to the students.

Contact person : Cécile Delens (

5. Changes to the minor enrollment form
Any requests to change the enrollment, with supporting reasons, must be made to the conseiller aux études (course adviser) of the student's own faculty. 

Course times

1. Consulting course times  
Link to be indicated

2. Resolving possible timetable clashes using an equivalence table  
Contact person : Cécile Delens (

Enrollment form for minor activities 

1. Information on entry requirements
There are no entry requirements for 1st year minor courses.

In the second year of the minor, the student must have taken the course listed below during the previous year:

 COURSE TITLE [15h+15h] (6 credits)
 Cécile Delens, Marc Francaux (coord.)

2. Signing up for minor program activities 
Link to be indicated

3. Obtaining the agreement from the person in charge of the minor  
Contact person : Cécile Delens (

Available support

1. Information on the course service
Contact person : Cécile Delens (

2. Consulting the table of available support for each activity  
Contact person : Cécile Delens (

Organization of exams

1. Registering for exams 

2. Consulting exam times
Link to be indicated

| 11/05/2007 |