Detailed programme

Parallel to the practical training, the specialist candidate will follow a university training programme organised as follows :

part - Foundation studies
Two years of training aimed at familiarising the candidate with the various domains of surgery. Cf. programme of the first part of the specialised diploma studies in general surgery The candidate will follow the courses in general surgery to which he will add an optional course in the domain of Urology, Nephrology, Andrology and Gynecology. The theoretical sessions of the first two years form part of the specific university training programme (FUS, in French).

part - Higher studies
Four years of studies consisting of :
• Theoretical courses : Surgical procedures and techniques in Urology for adults and children. Endoscopic techniques in Urology. Functional problems in Urology and in masculine Sexuology.
• Seminars: Seminar on Urology
• A period of supervised hospital training : Clinical demonstrations of Urology
• Options

| 23/01/2009 |