
Retour en début de pageAdmission Requirements

Students from the following bachelor programmes may take the minor in bioengineering :
  • Bachelor in Biology [BIOL1BA]
  • Bachelor in Chemistry [CHIM1BA]
  • Bachelor in Geography [GEOG1BA]
  • Bachelor in Engineering [FSA1BA]
  • Bachelor in Computer Science [SINF1BA]

Because of the significant differences between these groups of students, an adapted programme is available depending on each student’s studies. In addition, a part of the minor programme can be chosen from the optional subjects in the bioengineering programme. However, all students should draw up their programme with the help of the Academic Secretary and/or the Study Adviser and have it approved by the Academic Secretary of the Faculty.

Applications should be sent to the Academic Secretary :

Professeur Charles Bielders
Croix du sud 2, bte 1
1348 LLN
tel :010/47.37.19        fax : 010/47.47.45
email :


| 11/05/2007 |