Detailed course structure

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Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

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Mandatory IEPR1024

Fundementals of neurophysiology and neuropsychology in motor control and motor learning  (in French) Marcus Missal, Marcus Missal (supplée Etienne Olivier), Etienne Olivier (coord.)45h + 0h 5credits   x
Mandatory IEPR1022A

Systems Physiology  (in French) N.30h 3credits   x
Mandatory IEPR1021

Cellular physiology  (in French) Marc Francaux (coord.), Norman Heglund, Norman Heglund (supplée Marc Francaux)30h 3credits   x
Mandatory IEPR1004A

Biologie cellulaire et éléments d'histologie (partim A FSA)  (in French) N.45h 4credits  x 
Mandatory FSAB1230

Project in biomedical engineering   (in French) Patrick Bertrand, Jean Delbeke, Christine Dupont, Philippe Lefèvre (coord.), Jean-Louis Thonnard, Michel Verleysen 0h + 60h 6credits 2q  x
Mandatory FSAB1225

Introduction to biomedical engineering  (in French) Philippe Lefèvre45h 4credits 2q x 
Mandatory FSAB1221A

Introduction au monde du vivant, partie 1 A  (in French) Philippe Lefèvre15h 2credits 2q x 
Mandatory BIR1220A

Biochimie I : Eléments de biochimie  (in French) Michel Ghislain, Yvan Larondelle30h 3credits 2q  x
| 16/10/2008 |