Programme year by year

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yeartwo year courses

First year


MandatoryGeneral instruction
Mandatory FLTR1410

Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation   (in French) Paul Servais , Françoise Van Haeperen , Laurence Van Ypersele , Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 60h + 10h 5 credits  1q 
Mandatory FLTR1440

Arts and Civilisations  (in French) Alexander Streitberger , Brigitte Van Wymeersch , Laurent Verslype (coord.) 37.5h + 15h 5 credits  1q 
Mandatory FLTR1510

Introduction to the Principal Works of European Literature I  (in French) Paul Deproost , Guido Latre , Jean-Claude Polet (coord.) 30h 5 credits  1q 
Mandatory FLTR1540

Practical University French  (in French) Catherine Deschepper , Catherine Deschepper (coord.) , Catherine Deschepper (supplée Francine Thyrion) , Francine Thyrion (coord.) 15h + 15h 5 credits  1q 
Mandatory FLTR1610

Introduction to Philosophy  (in French) Jean-Michel Counet , Michel Lisse 45h 4 credits  2q 
Mandatory FLTR1430

Critical Analysis of Information  (in French) Laurence Van Ypersele 30h + 10h 4 credits  2q 

MandatoryModern and ancient languages

MandatoryDeux cours de langues en 1re année (une langue moderne + une langue ancienne)

MandatoryModern languages
The student will follow one of the five following courses :
Optional FLTR1710

German language  (in German) Henri Bouillon , Caroline Klein (supplée Henri Bouillon) 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1720

English language  (in English) Sylvie De Cock 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 
Optional ANGL1811

English: Language and Culture  (in English) Estelle Dagneaux (coord.) , Philippe Denis , Céline Gouverneur (supplée null) , Claudine Grommersch , Marielle Henriet 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1730

Dutch language  (in Dutch) Philippe Hiligsmann 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1250

Dutch : language and culture  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 

MandatoryAncient languages
The student will follow one of the following courses :
Optional FLTR1760

Begining Latin   (in French) Alain Meurant 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1770

Beginning Greek   (in French) Claude Obsomer 30h + 30h 5 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1780

Latin language and literature : poetry   (in French) Paul Deproost (coord.) , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h 5 credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional FLTR1781

Latin language and literature : prose  (in French) Paul Deproost , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h 5 credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

MandatoryIntroduction to the discipline
Mandatory HIST1430

General heuristics  (in French) Guy Zelis 15h + 15h 3 credits  2q 
Mandatory HIST1130

Exercises on questions in history  (in French) Michel Dumoulin , Jean-Marie Yante 30h 7 credits  2q 
Mandatory HIST1411

HISTORIOGRAPHY I  (in French) Jacques Pijcke 15h 2 credits  2q 
Mandatory HIST1260

Introduction to the institutions of Belgium  (in French) Jean-Marie Cauchies 45h 4 credits  2q 

MandatoryGetting to know history
Mandatory FLTR1420A

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h 3 credits  2q 
Mandatory FLTR1420B

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Middle Ages  (in French) Jean-Marie Yante 22.5h 3 credits  2q 

Second year


MandatoryGeneral instruction
Mandatory FLTR1620

Anthropology and Psychology  (in French) Raymond Bruyer , Olivier Schmitz 30h 3 credits  2q 
Mandatory FLTR1630

Logic and Argumentation in Human Sciences  (in French) Jean Leclercq 30h 3 credits  1q 

MandatoryModern and ancient languages

MandatoryDeux cours de langues en 2e année

MandatoryOne obligatory language
L'étudiant poursuit l'étude de la langue moderne choisie en 1re année.
Optional ANGL1810

English for Arts Students - An intermediate course  (in English) Keith Carlon 60h 4 credits  1+2q 
Optional NEER1810

Intermediate Dutch for Social Science  (in Dutch) Hilde Bufkens 60h 4 credits  1+2q 
Optional ALLE1810

German - General Topic Reading Comprehension   (in German) Virginie Godin (coord.) , Ann Rinder 50h 4 credits  1+2q 
Optional ESPA1801

Spanish - Reading comprehension  (in Spanish) Paula Lorente Fernandez (coord.) 60h 4 credits  1+2q 
Optional ITAL1800

ITALIAN - Reading Comprehension  (in Italian) Laura Scarpa 60h 4 credits  1+2q 

MandatoryA course in an ancient, medieval or modern language or with a linguistic or literary orientation
à choisir dans la liste suivante, pour autant que le cours n'ait pas été suivi en 1re année :

OptionalAncient and medieval languages
Optional FLTR1770

Beginning Greek   (in French) Claude Obsomer 30h + 30h 4 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1780

Latin language and literature : poetry
( For the exercises, 15 hours, choice between classical Latin and medieval Latin.)  (in French)
Paul Deproost (coord.) , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h 4 credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional FLTR1781

Latin language and literature : prose
( For the exercises, 15 hours, choice between classical Latin and medieval Latin.)  (in French)
Paul Deproost , Jean-Marie Yante 30h + 15h 4 credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR1142

Basics of Latin Grammar  (in French) Alain Meurant 22.5h + 15h 4 credits  2q 
Optional GLOR1143

Latin Language and Texts II  (in French) Lambert Isebaert 22.5h + 7.5h 4 credits  2q 
Optional GLOR1172

Basics of Greek Grammar  (in French) André Cheyns 30h + 15h 4 credits  2q 
Optional GLOR1173

Greek Language and Texts  (in French) André Cheyns 30h + 7.5h 4 credits  2q 
Optional GLOR1491

Greek Authors : Poetry  (in French) Anne-Marie Doyen 45h 4 credits  1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR1492

Greek Authors : Prose-Writing  (in French) N.45h 4 credits  1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR1481

Latin Authors : Poetry  (in French) Paul Deproost 45h 4 credits  1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GLOR1482

Latin Authors : Prose-Writing  (in French) Paul Deproost 45h 4 credits  1+2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ROM1230

French Authors from the Middle Ages I   (in French) Mattia Cavagna 30h 4 credits  2q 
Optional ROM1250

French Authors from the Middle Ages II   (in French) Mattia Cavagna 30h 4 credits  1q 

OptionalModern languages
Si l'étudiant choisit une 2e langue moderne, celle-ci doit être différente de celle choisie en 1re année.
Optional FLTR1710

German language  (in German) Henri Bouillon , Caroline Klein (supplée Henri Bouillon) 30h + 30h 4 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1720

English language  (in English) Sylvie De Cock 30h + 30h 4 credits  1q 
Optional FLTR1730

Dutch language  (in Dutch) Philippe Hiligsmann 30h + 30h 4 credits  1q 

MandatoryGetting to know history
Mandatory FLTR1420C

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Modern Times  (in French) Jean-Marie Cauchies 22.5h 3 credits  2q 
Mandatory FLTR1420D

Seminar of Historical Foundations of Western Civilisation : Contemporary Period  (in French) Laurence Van Ypersele 22.5h 3 credits  2q 
Mandatory HIST1421

HISTORIOGRAPHY II  (in French) Jacques Pijcke 22.5h 3 credits  1q 
Mandatory HIST1230

Questions of history : contemporary period  (in French) Michel Dumoulin 22.5h 3 credits  1q 

MandatoryMaking History. Theory and Application of Theory
Mandatory FLTR1291

Computer Applications in the Humanities  (in French) Michel Dorban , Cédrick Fairon 15h + 15h 3 credits  1q 
Mandatory HIST1431

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen 15h + 15h 4 credits  1q 
Mandatory HIST1432

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : the Middle Ages  (in French) Jacques Pijcke , Jean-Marie Yante 15h + 15h 4 credits  1q 
Mandatory HIST1433

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : modern times  (in French) Eric Bousmar 15h + 15h 4 credits  2q 
Mandatory HIST1434

Specialized heuristics and exercises on questions of history : the contemporary period  (in French) Michel Dumoulin 15h + 15h 4 credits  2q 

To be chosen from the minors offered by the University. The student must follow the courses during the second and the third year of the bachelor's programme, totalling 60 credits per year of study.

Option de la 2e année du programme de bachelier  (in French) N. 15 credits   

Third year


MandatoryGeneral instruction
Mandatory BIR1241

Introductory economics  (in French) Jean-François Sneessens 30h 3 credits  2q 
Mandatory HIST1440

Practice of History & Social Sciences  (in French) Emmanuel Debruyne , Xavier Rousseaux (coord.) 15h + 15h 6 credits  2q 

MandatoryOne course in Religious Science to be chosen :
Optional TECO1210

Questions of Religious Sciences: Biblical Readings  (in French) Joseph Famerée 15h 2 credits  1q 
Optional TECO1220

Questions of Religious Sciences: Reflections about Christian Faith  (in French) Jean Leclercq 15h 2 credits  1q 
Optional TECO1230

Questions of Religious Sciences: Questions about Ethics  (in French) Philippe Cochinaux 15h 2 credits  2q 

MandatoryGetting to know history

MandatoryOne course on Institutional and Political History to be chosen :
to be chosen from the following list :
Optional HIST1381

Fundamentals of institutional and political history : antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen 15h 3 credits  1q 
Optional HIST1382

Fundamentals of institutional and political history : the Middle Ages  (in French) Jean-Marie Yante 15h 3 credits  1q 
Optional HIST1383

Fundamentals of institutional and political history : Early modern times  (in French) Jean-Marie Cauchies 15h 3 credits  1q 
Optional DROI1008A

Histoire des institutions - 1ère partie  (in French) N.30h 3 credits  2q 
Optional POLS1224

The Political and Administrative System in Belgium  (in French) Lieven De Winter , André-Paul Frognier , Caroline Van Wynsberghe (supplée Lieven De Winter) , Christian de Visscher 45h 3 credits  2q 

MandatoryOne course of Economic and Social History to be chosen :
to be chosen from the following list :
Optional HIST1500

Economic and social history from antiquity to the industrial revolution - 1500  (in French) Michel Dorban , Patrick Marchetti 30h 3 credits  1q 
Optional ECGE1121

Economic and Social History  (in French) Paul Servais , Jean-Marie Yante (coord.) 30h 3 credits  1q 

MandatoryOne course of Intellectual and Cultural History :
to be chosen from the following list :
Optional FILO1280

History of philosophy 1 : History of ancient philosophy   (in French) Pierre Destrée 30h 3 credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional FILO1281

History of philosophy 2: History of medieval Philosophy  (in French) Jean-Michel Counet 30h 3 credits  Periodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional FILO1283

History of philosophy 4 : History of modern philosophy  (in French) Gilbert Gérard (supplée Marc Maesschalck) , Marc Maesschalck 30h 3 credits  Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional FILO1284

History of Philosophy V: Contemporary philosophy (first part)  (in French) Michel Ghins 30h 3 credits  Periodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ARKE1445

Art and Civilisation : the Middle Ages  (in French) Philippe Bragard 30h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional ARKE1448

Art and Civilisation : Contemporary period.  (in French) Philippe Bragard , Alexander Streitberger 30h 3 credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ARKE1454

Art and Civilisation : Greek and Roman Antiquity  (in French) Marco Cavalieri , Jan Driessen 37.5h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional ARKE1455

Arts et civilisations : architecture des temps modernes et de l'époque contemporaine  (in French) Philippe Bragard 37.5h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GERM1315

Civilisation of the German-speaking countries : cultural aspects  (in German) Hubert Roland 30h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GERM1515

Civilisation of the German-speaking countries : The present  (in German) Antje Büssgen 30h 3 credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GERM1325

Civilisation of the English-speaking countries : cultural aspects  (in English) Guido Latre 30h 3 credits  1+2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GERM1525

Civilisation of the English-speaking countries : The present  (in English) Paul Arblaster (supplée Guido Latre) , Guido Latre 30h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional GERM1335

Civilisation of the Dutch-speaking countries : cultural aspects  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt 30h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional GERM1535

Civilisation of the Dutch-speaking countries : The present  (in Dutch) Ludovic Beheydt 30h 3 credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 

MandatoryOne course of Religious History :
to be chosen from the following list :
Optional THEO1120

Introduction to the History of Religions  (in French) Sandra Smets 45h 3 credits  2q 
Optional THEO1202

Patrology  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers 45h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional THEO1381

History of Christianity: Antiquity  (in French) Jean-Marie Auwers 30h 3 credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional THEO1271

History of Christianity: Middle Ages  (in French) Jacques Pijcke 30h 3 credits  1qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 
Optional THEO1382

History of Christianity: Modern Times  (in French) Jean-Pierre Delville 30h 3 credits  1qPeriodic courses taught this academic year 
Optional THEO1281

History of Christianity: the Contemporary Period
( or other bac. courses chosen from TECO or RELI)  (in French)
Jean-Pierre Delville 45h 3 credits  2qPeriodic courses not taught this academic year 

MandatoryMaking History. Theory and Application of Theory
Mandatory HIST1320

Quantitative methods in studying history  (in French) Michel Dorban 22.5h 4 credits  2q 
Mandatory GLOR1571

History and Transmission of Ancient Writing:Theory and practical reading skills.  (in French) Alain Meurant 15h 2 credits  1q 

MandatoryTwo seminars to be chosen :
Optional HIST1391

Seminar : Antiquity  (in French) Françoise Van Haeperen 22.5h 8 credits  1q 
Optional HIST1392

Seminar : the Middle Ages  (in French) Jacques Pijcke , Jean-Marie Yante 22.5h 8 credits  2q 
Optional HIST1393

Seminar : Early modern times  (in French) Jean-Marie Yante 22.5h 8 credits  1q 
Optional HIST1394

Seminar : the contemporary period  (in French) Laurence Van Ypersele 22.5h 8 credits  1q 

To be chosen from the minors offered by the University. The student must follow the courses during the second and the third year of the bachelor's programme, totalling 60 credits per year of study.

Option de la 3e année du programme de bachelier  (in French) N. 15 credits   
| 10/10/2008 |