Major in ancient languages and literature - "orientals" option (Greek language) : access to the Masters in ancient languages and literature - "classics" option, provided the following entry requirement is met : Latin language II (6 credits).
Major in French and Romance languages and literature - minor in Latin studies :
access to the Masters in modern and ancient languages and literature (Latin/French) provided the following entry requirement is met: Latin language II (6 credits). Students who have taken the FLTR 1760 Introduction to Latin course need also to meet the following three requirements: Latin language II (6 credits), Introduction to ancient science (3 credits) and Seminar on the historical foundations of western civilization : Antiquity (2 credits).
Other majors in philosophie et lettres - minor in Latin studies :
1. access to the Masters in ancient languages and literature : orientation " classics " option, provided the student undertakes one additional year of studies amounting to a maximum of 42 credits, including:
- 5 credits from methodological courses : Introduction to ancient science (3 credits) and Seminar on the historical foundations of western civilization II : Antiquity (2 credits)
- Latin language course II (6 credits)
- Greek language and literature (maximum 31 credits)
2. access to the Masters in modern and ancient languages and literature (Latin/French), provided the student undertakes one extra year of studies amounting to a maximum of 56 credits, including:
- 5 credits from methodological courses: Introduction to ancient science (3 credits) and Seminar on the historical foundations of western civilization : Antiquity (2 credits)
- Latin language course II (6 credits)
- 45 credits in French language and literature, to be defined according to which major is being taken. These credits will include a seminar (3 credits).
Majors outside of philosophie et lettres - minor in Latin studies :
1. access to the Masters in ancient languages and literature : " classics " option, provided the student undertakes one extra year of studies, amounting to a maximum of 50 credits, including:
- 13 credits from methodological courses, to be defined according to the major being taken
- Latin language course II (6 credits)
- Greek language and literature courses (maximum 31 credits)
2. access to the Masters in modern and ancient languages and literature (Latin/French), provided the student undertakes an additional year of studies, amounting to a maximum of 64 credits, including:
- 13 credits from methodological courses to be defined according to the major being taken
- Latin language course II (6 credits)
- 45 credits in French language and literature to be defined according to the major being taken.These credits will include a seminar (3 credits).