Training accessible at the end of the minor

- Direct access to the Master's in Modern Languages and literature (French acronym: LLM), Germanic option :

(i) - Access to the master's in  LLM, Germanic option, is of course guaranteed  'automatically' for all those who hold a baccalaureate in  LLM, Germanic option. However, depending on the minor chosen  (in this case a third Germanic language), the holder of the baccalaureate in LLM, Germanic option, is free to choose the two Germanic languages that will be part of his/her master's program. 

(ii) - The holder of a baccalaureate in LLM (general option, combining one Germanic language + one other modern language) who chooses a minor in English, German or Dutch studies may also,without further study, enroll directly on the German master's course and continue studying the two Germanic languages studied for his/her baccalaureate (major + minor).

There is no other automatic possibility to enroll on the LLM master's, GERM option.

- Direct access to the Master's in Modern Languages and Literature, general option (via a minor in German or Dutch studies ) :

Direct access to the Masters in LLM, general option, is possible for a holder of a baccalaureate in French and Romance languages and literature, with a minor in German or Dutch studies; equally, access to the Masters in  LLM, general option, is also possible - under the same conditions  - for a holder of a baccalaureate in modern and ancient languages and literature (by combining French and the Germanic language studied for the minor course in the master's).


| 24/05/2007 |