Programme by subject

Courses not taught this academic yearPeriodic courses not taught this academic year
Periodic courses taught this academic yearTwo year courses

Click on the course code to see detailed informations (objectives, methods, evaluation...)

MandatoryProgramme de base (150credits)

MandatoryFormation interdisciplinaire en sciences humaines (29credits)
Mandatory COPS1113

Modern and Contemporary History  (in French) Michel Dorban, Paul Servais30h 5credits  x  
Mandatory COPS1124

Philosophy  (in French) Heinz Leonardy30h 5credits  x  
Mandatory ESPO1113

Sociology and Anthropology of the Contemporary Worlds  (in French) Jean De Munck, Matthieu de Nanteuil-Miribel40h 5credits 1q x  
Mandatory SPED1213

Contemporary issues in development policy: a comparative approach  (in French) Bichara Khader30h 5credits 2q x  
Mandatory COPS1311

Social Philosophy  (in French) Mark Hunyadi-Buzas30h 4credits 2q   x
Mandatory ESPO1321

Economic, Political and Social Ethics  (in French) Philippe Van Parijs (coord.)20h + 10h 3credits 1q   x

OptionalSciences religieuses (2credits)
1 parmi :
Optional TECO2201

Questions of religious sciences: biblical readings  (in French) Jean-Pierre Delville15h 2credits 2q   x
Optional TECO2202

Questions of religious sciences: reflections about christian faith  (in French) Benoît Bourgine15h 2credits 1q   x
Optional TECO2203

Questions of religious sciences: questions about ethics  (in French) Walter Lesch15h 2credits 2q   x

MandatorySciences politiques (48credits)
Mandatory ESPO1114

Political Science  (in French) André-Paul Frognier, Jacques Herman, Christian de Visscher30h 5credits  x  
Mandatory POLS1121

Political Sociology  (in French) Benoît Rihoux30h 4credits 2q x  
Mandatory POLS1222

THE STATE: SOCIOPOLITICAL MODELS  (in French) Jacques Herman30h 4credits 2q  x 
Mandatory POLS1223

Theory of Organisations and Public Action  (in French) David Aubin, Christian de Visscher45h 5credits   x 
Mandatory POLS1224

The Political and Administrative System in Belgium  (in French) Lieven De Winter, André-Paul Frognier, Caroline Van Wynsberghe (supplée Lieven De Winter), Christian de Visscher45h 5credits 2q  x 
Mandatory POLS1212

Contemporary political systems  (in French) N.30h 5credits   x 
Mandatory POLS1323

European Institutions and Policies  (in French) Tanguy de Wilde d'Estmael40h 5credits 2q   x
Mandatory POLS1319

Introduction to geopolitics  (in French) Tanguy de Wilde d'Estmael30h + 15h 5credits    x
Mandatory POLS1320

Analysis of the international system  (in French) Claude Roosens30h + 15h 5credits    x
Mandatory POLS1328

Comparative politics  (in English) N.30h 5credits    x

MandatoryMéthodologies et techniques en sciences politiques (29credits)
Mandatory SPOL1125

Study Skills Seminar in Political Sciences  (in French) Michel Dorban, Benoît Rihoux30h + 15h 5credits  x  
Mandatory COPS1114

Statistics and Bases of Probability Theory  (in French) Annie Robert30h + 30h 5credits  x  
Mandatory POLS1114

Formalization for the social sciences  (in French) Pierre Dehez30h + 15h 4credits  x  
Mandatory COPS1212

Qualitative data analysis  (in French) Marc Zune30h + 20h 5credits 1q  x 
Mandatory POLS1221

Quantitative Data Analysis  (in French) Philippe Huynen (supplée Jacques Marquet), Jacques Marquet30h + 20h 5credits 2q  x 
Mandatory POLS1327


MandatoryEconomie et gestion (14credits)
Mandatory COPS1115

Economic Policy  (in French) Philippe De Villé, Xavier Wauthy45h + 15h 5credits  x  
Mandatory POLS1112

Accounting of the Non-Market Sector  (in French) Karine Cerrada Cristia (coord.), Michel Gatz30h + 15h 4credits  x  
Mandatory POLS1211

Macroeconomic Policy  (in French) Daniel Weiserbs30h + 10h 5credits 1q  x 

MandatoryDroit (15credits)
Mandatory ESPO1122

Foundations of Law  (in French) François Jongen, Gilberte Marchal, Henri Simonart40h 5credits  x  
Mandatory COPS1211

Public Law  (in French) Charles-Hubert Born (supplée Yves Lejeune), Yves Lejeune60h 5credits 1q  x 
Mandatory POLS1311

International Public Law  (in French) Yves Lejeune45h 5credits 2q   x

MandatoryFormation en langues (15credits)
Mandatory ANGL1330

English intermediate level - 1st part  (in English) Claudine Grommersch, Marielle Henriet (coord.), Sandrine Mulkers (coord.), Marc Piwnik, Nevin Serbest30h 3credits  x  
Mandatory ANGL1331

English intermediate level - 2nd part  (in English) Jennifer Moreman, Jean-Paul Nyssen (coord.), Albert Verhaegen45h 3credits 1+2q  x 
Mandatory ANGL1531

English for Political Scientists (Advanced level)  (in English) Timothy Byrne (coord.), Keith Carlon60h 3credits 1+2q   x

MandatoryDeuxième langue étrangère (6credits)
L'étudiant choisit une langue et la garde pendant tout le programme de bachelier
Optional ALLE1330

German, intermediate level part I  (in German) Sabrina Knorr (supplée Ann Rinder), Ann Rinder (coord.)45h 3credits 1+2q  x 
Optional ESPA1330

Spanish - Intermediate level (1st part)  (in Spanish) José Del Águila Gómez45h 3credits 1+2q  x 
Optional NEER1330

General Dutch for social and political sciences, intermediate level part I  (in Dutch) Isabelle Demeulenaere (coord.), Brigitte Goidts, Julien Perrez45h 3credits 1+2q  x 
Optional ALLE1331A

Intermediate German part II  (in German) Sabrina Knorr (supplée Ann Rinder), Ann Rinder (coord.)45h 3credits 1+2q   x
Optional ESPA1331

Spanish Intermediate (2nd part)  (in Spanish) José Del Águila Gómez45h 3credits    x
Optional NEER1331

Dutch for social and political sciences - intermediate level - part II  (in Dutch) Nadine Dermaut45h 3credits 1+2qCourses not taught this academic year   x

MandatoryOption (30credits)
L'étudiant choisit une mineure ou des cours au choix parmi l'ensemble des programmes de bachelier offerts à l'UCL, à raison de 15 crédits en deuxième année et 15 crédits en troisième année.

Option (15 crédits)  (in French) N.    x 

Option (15 crédits)  (in French) N.     x
| 23/10/2008 |