Digital Marketing Seminar - Part 2

mlsmm2233  2023-2024  Mons

Digital Marketing Seminar - Part 2
10.00 credits
30.0 h
Charry Karine; Poncin Ingrid; Poncin Ingrid (compensates Charry Karine);
Professional integration activity
MLSMM 2232 Immersion professionnelle 1 - Diagnostic
Main themes
This "activation" phase is a follow up to the course delivered in Q3.
At this stage, the student is in charge of a « digital » project within the organization hosting him/her for his internship.   
Seminars, relying on interactive exchanges, are organized around themes identified with the contribution of the students.
Each subject will be considered under a theoretical perspective and the latter should be activated in discussions with guest speakers (usually managers) that contribute to those seminars and offer case studies to the students.
In fine, students will be asked to "activate" the knowledge and perspectives within the frame of their own organization. The ultimate objective is to lead student to step back from every day urgencies in order to address problems from a holistic perspective. This should be translated in an internship report that discusses the digital strategy of the company and its operationalization.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 Given the "competencies referential" linked to the LSM Master 120 in Sciences de Gestion et in Ingéniorat de Gestion, this course mainly develops the following competencies:
  • Successfully use knowledge in the analysis of any professional situation.
  • Apply the rigor required at a university level when developing a strategy in digital marketing
  • Function well in group and adapt to any professional context.
  • Successfully manage the relationships with partners, managers and organization members.
  • Interpret results of analyses and propose relevant managerial recommandations.
Here are the specific knowledge considered by this course.
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
  • Understand the stakes of developping a digital strategy
  • Distinguish the different strategies available to a digital marketer
  • Grasp the diversity of methods that can be used in digital marketing
  • Comprehend the stakes of implementing digital marketing within an organization
  • Offer a critical view on (relevant) methodology
  • Manage a full digital project
  • Master a tool of web analysis and being able to run those analyses
  • Propose relevant recommendations
  • Evaluate the relevance and quality of an analysis proposed by external resources and manage the exchanges with this external organization.
Evaluation methods
Continuous assessment (participation to the seminar, exercises/case studies, evaluation of the internship made by the professional advisor).
Attendance is mandatory.
The assessment of the second session will be an oral examination.
Note: In all work for this course (individual or group), sources of information must be systematically cited, in compliance with bibliographic referencing standards. If the student has used a generative AI, he/she is required to systematically indicate which parts of the work have been processed using this tool, adding a footnote specifying whether the AI was used and for what purpose (information retrieval, text writing and/or text correction). Students remain fully responsible for the content of their work, regardless of the sources used. Thus, by submitting a piece of work for assessment, the student affirms: (i) that it faithfully reflects the phenomenon studied, and for this he/she must have verified the facts; (ii) that he/she has complied with all the specific requirements of the work entrusted to him/her, in particular the requirements for transparency and documentation of the scientific approach used. If any of these statements is not true, whether intentionally or through negligence, the student is in default of his/her ethical commitment to the knowledge produced in the course of his/her work, and possibly to other aspects of academic integrity, which constitutes academic misconduct and will be considered as such.
Other information
Accessible only for student accepted in the immersion digital marketing option and to students of the Master's degree in Management Sciences, specializing in digital business transformation, in work-in -training/ alternance
Online resources
Références bibliographiques recommandées, lectures conseillées :
Chaffey D., Ellis-Chadwick F. (2020), Marketing digital
Adapté en français par Henri Isaac, Pierre Volle, Maria Mercanti-Guérin, Pearson.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in Management

Master [120] : Business Engineering

Master [120] in Management

Master [120] : Business Engineering