Séminaire d'accompagnement du mémoire

llsmd2094  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Séminaire d'accompagnement du mémoire
2.00 credits
30.0 h
Q1 and Q2
de Moerloose Chantal;
(a) Defining the project (defining a problem, a research question, a hypothesis, information to be collected, detecting the type of research (exploratory / descriptive / explanatory) ...)
(b) Collecting information (using secondary data; using generative AI; conducting a literature review; referencing, etc.)
(c)Planning the research (identifying its epistemological position; choosing an adequate information collection methodology (observation / experimentation / ...); mastering the data analysis methods (quali / quanti / ...)
(d) Writing (writing scientifically, ...)
(e) Presenting (creating a visual aid; presenting ...)
Teaching methods
For French speakers
(a) Self-learning in e-learning via the Moodle device (video, readings followed by tests)
(b) Some face-to-face seminar sessions can be added
For English speakers, the seminar on Moodle is replaced by an individual work of
(a) reading a methodology textbook and
(b) writing a report on essential personal learning
Evaluation methods
(a) This seminar is scheduled for the first semester of Master 2. But the grades are encoded in the June session of Master 2.
(b) For French-speaking students: the assessment is based solely on the compulsory tests following each compulsory lesson (video, readings, etc.). These mandatory tests are gradually opened from September to December (every two weeks) and close after six weeks: students must therefore actively follow the rhythm of the chapters. The lessons (compulsory and optional) remain open throughout the year to provide access to useful information throughout the writing of the dissertation.
(c) For English-speaking students: the assessment is based on the paper written during the second year (deadline: December 1)
(d) The second session (for French speakers) will be an on-site exam, based on questions similar to those of the tests asked during the year. It will be written or oral depending on the number of registrants in the second session. The student is authorized to have a "paper" file of its personal documents and notes from the seminar, with the obvious exclusion of the solutions to the tests of the year
Other information
(a) The Moodle site contains all the information necessary for self-learning. The operating details are available in the “plan de cours” document which is essential to read from the first day. (Mainly Appendix 1 for English speaking students)
(b) This course is similar to MLSMM2201- Séminaire d’accompagnement du mémoire in Mons
Online resources
https://moodle.uclouvain.be > code LLSMD2094 (Objectif 2024)
CRESWELL, John W. (2019). Educational Research. Planning, Conducting, Quantitative and Qualitative Research. 6th Edition, Pearson. 650pp. BSPO LB 1028 C 255961-4) e-book : https://ils.bib.uclouvain.be/uclouvain/documents/3575048
GAVARD-PERRET, Marie-Laure, GOTTELAND, David, HAON, Christophe, & JOLIBERT, Alain (2018). Méthodologie de la Recherche - Réussir son mémoire ou sa thèse en sciences gestion. 3° édition. Pearson. (BSPO: HD 30 .4 M 257180)
SAUNDERS, Mark N.K., LEWIS, Philip, & THORNHILL, Adrian (2019). Research Methods for Business Students, 8th Edition, Prentice Hall, 741pp. (BSPO HD 30 .4 S 260114) 7th ed  e-book : https://ils.bib.uclouvain.be/uclouvain/documents/3240623
THIÉTARD, Raymond-Alain (2014). Méthode de recherche en management. 4° éd. Dunod.     (BSPO HD 30 .4 M 246504) e-book : https://ils-bib-uclouvain.be/uclouvain/documents/1875371
Teaching materials
  • https://moodle.uclouvain.be code LLSMD2094 : self learning
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] : Business Engineering

Master [120] in Management