German III

lgerm1317  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

German III
5.00 credits
45.0 h + 45.0 h
Q1 and Q2
Scheirs Veronique (compensates Suner Munoz Ferran); Suner Munoz Ferran;
Level B1 of the Common Europea Framework of Reference for Languages
In order to achieve the objectives of the course, the participants will be faced to a wide range of audio-visual, written and oral material about both familiar and unfamiliar topics belonging to personal, social, cultural, professional and academic everyday life.
Teaching methods
The theoretical part of the course (volume 1) will focus on vocabulary extension and grammatical precision (especially in writing) by means of different types of exercises.

The practical part of the course (volume 2) will focus on the proper use of the language code (vocabulary and grammar) when speaking (fluency, pronunciation, lexical accuracy): Vocabulary and grammar exercises, listening and reading comprehension, individual and interactive speaking practice, writing exercises (to a lesser extent). The topics of texts and activities are of general interest.

The course will address a wide range of listening and reading techniques and exercises at a high proficiency level (based on a variety of sources and language usages) aiming at a detailed comprehension of recordings and written texts, among which literary texts.
A study trip to a (socio)culturally relevant German-speaking region will be organized to further explore content related to the course.
Evaluation methods
In this course, students are evaluated in two ways:
- Continuous evaluation (30% of the final grade) including four grammar and vocabulary tests spread over the year, two oral presentations, exercices in class, and active participation (interaction in class, handing in group work, etc.).
- Final evaluation in the January session (35% of the final mark) and in the June session (35% of the final mark) including both a part A (written skills) and a part B (oral skills).
In the January and June sessions, the two parts A and B will be successive and separated in time. Part A, which corresponds to basic level, will assess written skills (comprehension and production). In Part B, which corresponds to an advanced level, students will have to demonstrate their oral skills (comprehension and production). Only those who have successfully passed part A are invited to take part B. The final grade is the arithmetic average of the grades for parts A and B. During the June session, students will take the failed parts from the January session. The pass mark is set at 10/20.
In the case of a second registration for the exam, only the part corresponding to the evaluation at the end of each term (70% of the final grade) may be taken.
Online resources
Documents available on moodle.
Marlen Brill, L, & Techmer, M. (2011), Großes Übungsbuch Deutsch Wortschatz. Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Niveau A2-C1. München: Hueber Verlag.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures: German, Dutch and English

Minor in German Studies

Bachelor in Modern Languages and Literatures : General