French - Upper Intermediate Level (B2) - De la voix à la plume

lfran1401  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

French - Upper Intermediate Level (B2) - De la voix à la plume
5.00 credits
60.0 h
Q1 or Q2
Briet Geneviève (coordinator); Rassart Emmanuelle; Renard Christine (coordinator); Simon Florence (coordinator);
To take this course, students must have reached the level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. This should be attested by
  • the ILV placement test organised during the 1st week of each semester
  • OR a recent DELF B1 (less than 1 year)
  • OR having achieved a minimal mark of 14/20 on the LFRAN1301 course.
Main themes
The course is built around 3 units:
  1.   Zones d'ombre : the French-speaking detective novel
  2.   Symphony for a new world: current issues and global challenges
  3.   Edmond Rostand and his famous play "Cyrano de Bergerac".
The course 'De la voix à la plume' encourages students to get to know him/herself better, to form their own opinions and express them 'in real life' on the subjects discussed. The intercultural aspect of the group is used to the full.
The approach is simultaneously one of rationality and imagination, attaching great importance to the emotional and physical aspects of speaking. Students are involved in practical projects to develop their command of the French language; they lead discussions and make presentations.
The grammar points covered are the revision of the basics of grammar and the study of the complex sentence (concordance of tenses, hypotheses, cause, purpose, consequence, opposition, comparison, etc.).
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

According to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, the learner /independent user of the language of level B2 can
  • interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party
  • understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics
  • express him/herself on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Level B2 describes a developed and relatively confident command of the foreign language.
The course covers francophone cultural themes of various genres and eras (novels, songs, movies, poems, theatre play, news...). Each document is studied for its language and looked at in terms of a current context and students discuss this orally or in writing.
By speaking in class regularly, students become more confident when doing so. Listening comprehension is developed by means of audio and video recordings. In addition, they write texts regularly and have to read two novels for the course.
Teaching methods
A typical lesson has four phases : a light-hearted warm-up (listening to a song, game, discussion), a listening or reading activity (comprehension), language work based on the comprehension activity and an active speaking or writing activity.

Regular homework is required. Each week, students are asked to work on e.g. a point of grammar and /or vocabulary on the Moodle platform or with the grammar book for the following lesson.

Students do three projects (illustration of idiomatic expressions, presentation of a topic of current interest, leading a debate), plus producing three pieces of written work and reading two novels.
Students take part in a cultural activity outside classroom.
Some sessions may be organized remotely, on Teams, depending on the educational objectives.
Evaluation methods
The certification is made up of a continuous assessment and an examination during the term.

Continuous assessment during the term: 30%
  • Written text: 10%    
  • Oral presentations: 10%    
  • Formative tasks, attendance and active participation in class: 10%.
Continuous assessment tasks may not be submitted (for the first time) after the deadline set by the teacher, except if the student hands in a medical certificate.
No continuous assessment tasks may be submitted during the August session.

Final exam: 70% grade

The final exam mark is made up of 5 parts:
  • a test during week 10 on language proficiency (10%) 
  • a final exam (60%) during week 13 or during the January, June or August session, covering the 4 skills:
    • reading (15%)
    • listening (15%)
    • writing (15%)
    • speaking (15%) 
In the event of failure (mark below 50%) in at least 1 of the 5 parts of the examination, the mark for the weakest part will be applied to the whole examination:
  • If the student fails the language section (mark below 50%): the student has the opportunity to retake the test only once, before the final exam day, after receiving formative feedback following the first sitting.
  • If a student fails one part or more of the final exam (mark below 50%): students who sit the final exam again in August have the option of sitting the failed part(s) OR the entire exam if they wish to improve their mark. 
An absence (justified or not) from the examination or one of its parts will result in a final mark of absence (justified or not).
Other information
Opened only to the non-francophone students enrolled at UCL as well as to the members of UCL staff.
This course corresponds to B2 level of the common European Framework of reference.
Online resources
http:// plateforme Moodle (niveau B2)
Teaching materials
  • Syllabus LFRAN1401 - Le français de la voix à la plume
  • Plateforme Moodle (la clé d'inscription sera communiquée lors du premier cours)
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language