Citizens' attitude towards European integration

leusl2042  2023-2024  Louvain-la-Neuve

Citizens' attitude towards European integration
5.00 credits
30.0 h

This biannual learning unit is being organized in 2023-2024
Arens Nicolas; Laloux Thomas; Van Ingelgom Virginie;

Main themes
For decades, European studies mainly focused on factors explaining the dynamics of regional integration from the point of view of political actors (institutional and economic actors). The difficult ratification of the Maastricht Treaty and the failure of the Constitutional Treaty put European citizens on stage, while the recent Euro crisis reflects existing resistances facing the creation of new solidarity mechanisms. To understand the reactions of ordinary citizens towards European integration, and in addition to the existing explanatory strands focusing on interests and institutions, the political sociology of the EU questions the weight of socio-political variables that hinder or favour the Europeanization of European societies.
Beyond the study of structures and institutions, the seminar aims to understand whether and the ways in which European integration has affected European citizens, their identities, their resistances and collective representations. The course analyzes the construction of the European Union as a community and as a political order with particular emphasis on its social and political dimensions. Topics under scrutiny include: the modes of interaction between elites and masses at EU level; citizen identifications' levels and models to understand the attitudes of citizens towards European integration; the process of (de-) politicization of European integration; the impact of Europeanisation (mainly in terms of public policies) on European public opinion.
Learning outcomes

At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to :

1 By questioning the capacity of political sociology - and in particular the study of citizens' attitudes ' to study in a rigorous way the reactions of ordinary citizens, this course aims to familiarize students with empirical analysis. A series of themes and journal articles that address, in a diversified manner, classical objects of political sociology at the European level will be studied. At stake is for students to identify and discuss the approach taken by the authors and thereby for students to use the theoretical and empirical tools to replicate these analyses on other objects and in other contexts.
For decades, European studies mainly focused on factors explaining the dynamics of regional integration from the point of view of political actors (institutional and economic actors). The difficult ratification of the Maastricht Treaty and the failure of the Constitutional Treaty put European citizens on stage, while the recent Euro crisis and the Brexit vote reflects existing resistances facing further integration at the European level. To understand the reactions of ordinary citizens towards European integration, this course questions citizens’ attitudes towards European integration that hinder or favour the Europeanization of European societies.
Teaching methods
Seminar sessions, reading, discussion and presentation.
Evaluation methods
The grade obtained by the student will combine the following elements:
- Each session will be introduced by a discussion of a theme (among those covered in the course) presented by several students. This will be the subject of a short written note. A text on the theme of the session will be made available and will be compulsory reading for all students. Students' regular participation in discussion of the compulsory readings (questions to be posted on Moodle) and in the course will also be considered (30%).
- The first drafts of the research project to be submitted will take the form of a research poster to be presented at a mini-conference organized at the end of the semester. The posters will be discussed in a peer-review exercise. These two exercises (20%) will enable students to obtain feedback on the progress of their work. At this stage, the content will not yet be evaluated. 
- Final validation will take the form of a research project (50%) relating to one or more of the issues addressed in the seminar.
Other information
Prerequisite: LEUSL2011 "Acteurs du système politique européen" or LEUSL2015 "Actors of the European political system"
A déterminer par le titulaire en charge.
Faculty or entity

Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)

Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Master [120] in European Studies

Master [120] in Public Administration